Black Pro-Lifers Arrested for Praying at Planned Parenthood While Hundreds of Rioters Go Free – IOTW Report

Black Pro-Lifers Arrested for Praying at Planned Parenthood While Hundreds of Rioters Go Free

Lifenews: In the midst of violent riots and looting in New York City, police in the city chose to arrest two black women who were peacefully counseling women outside a Planned Parenthood abortion facility instead.

Church Militant reports pro-life advocates Bevelyn Beatty and Edmee Chavannes were arrested May 30 on the sidewalk outside the Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Center in Manhattan.

The women were arrested after allegedly violating city social distancing guidelines because of the coronavirus. Beatty and Chavannes said they were social distancing.

“Let me tell you something, Christians get it the worst,” Beatty said of their pro-life outreach. “I have not been so harassed by the police until I started doing this! Christians get it the worst!”

She said they were not protesting at the abortion facility, they went there to offer women information and resources for themselves and their babies, as they often do.

“We’ve been at that clinic for a while standing for children’s lives and bringing the gospel to these women because they need help just as well as the babies,” Beatty said. “And we feel COVID has been used strategically to push a bias against abolitionists. We’re pro-life but we’re abolitionists.”

On May 30, police asked the pro-life women to leave the area, supposedly because they were not complying with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s executive order requiring masks, according to the report.

When Beatty and Chavannes asked to see the order, they said the police did not show it to them. Instead, they said the police told them to leave. They refused and were arrested, the report continues. more

13 Comments on Black Pro-Lifers Arrested for Praying at Planned Parenthood While Hundreds of Rioters Go Free

  1. Plain and simple, all tactics aside, we have our own?? BUT what she said goes to the core and I watched the whole 15 minute arrest vid.

    ‘There are abortion clinic and ladies services open going on (in a walk off the street type of way here) in this building and the churches are closed???’

    Whatever you think about abortion OR church?

    She’s right ya know.

  2. May God bless and protect those who stand for the innocent.

    1 Peter 3:16-18
    12 and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. 17 For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.

  3. BTW I meant in NO way to besmirch the behavior of the officers on that detail, they performed well enough, there was NO real threat to begin with, but they did, what they did, only because they are told to by their CO’s and therefore DiCommio.

    And that ain’t good for the beat cop makes them look like the bad ones, like this is part of the set up.

    ‘The Sting’ itself.

  4. God bless these women.

    Back during the Clinton era, PP called police on our prayer group almost once a month. PP property line started in the middle of a berm. The street (public) site was the other half of the berm. Some LEOs told us we had to stand on the street, others told us we had to stand on the up hill street side of the berm. It was crazy.
    One time two LEOs were dispatched to tell us we were on PP property because we were standing on the uphill street side of the berm. One crazy cop was yelling and screeching at us so bad, I couldn’t understand him so I started walking up to the middle of the berm (which definitely was public property according to the official platte totalk with him. As I started walking up the berm I had to yell at the prayers to shut up because they were afraid for me. Still couldn’t understand the screaming cop. He put his hand on his firearm. The PP person with them stood there looking smug. The crazy little cop sure looked like he was going to pull his firearm on me. Thank God the the rational LEO intervened. I’m still here.

    One of the funniest times the cops came…my then youngest son came to pray with us. (Lower grade school age.) He was accused of photographing people going into PP. The kid had no camera…no one ever did in our group. He just put his clip on sunglasses to his regular glasses.

    Many other stories, but the take away…the guilty run where no man pursues.

    God bless those women.


    When they aren’t helping to gun-grab, collect revenue for the mayor, kneel for protesters, investigating themselves, standing down while MAGA ralliers are getting beaten, campaigning for / funding democrats, they are happily arresting Christians.

    They are NOT right-wingers, and NOT on your side. Better off disbanding them, arming yourselves, and selecting your own chief and officers for your town or city.

  6. Just like the Nazis and Commies the cops are “just following orders”. Never trust any cops, esp feds since they care more for their power and pay than the constitution.

  7. You know that there’s a LOT more black people that are conservative than is acknowledged and they can be our allies in the fight against radicalism and it is reflected in the 40% Trump black approval number in the latest Rasmussen poll. I think a LOT of minorities are having their eyes opened with the latest nonsense.

  8. I guess there would be about 40 million more blacks in this country if planned parenthood/democrat party wouldn’t keep exterminating them. But black lives matter


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