Black Rifle Coffee shoot themselves in the foot – IOTW Report

Black Rifle Coffee shoot themselves in the foot

Black Rifle Coffee called supporters of Kyle Rittenhouse ‘repugnant’ and labeled Proud Boys as ‘racists.’
“It’s like the worst of American society, and I got to flush the toilet of some of those people.” more

39 Comments on Black Rifle Coffee shoot themselves in the foot

  1. I’ve been tempted in the past, but they just cured me of the thought. I like Bulletproof Coffee. The guy is likely a lib, but he never takes a political position so it’s easy to keep buying from him.

  2. I have a very good coffee maker. Breville precision brewer from Australia. Settings: Gold, custom, strong, cold brew etc. I recommend it highly friends.

    I buy the Basic McDonald’s Arabica Coffee tins (aprox. 2.2 pounds) for home use. Saves me a fortune and really tastes great. ($21.00 canuckistan loonies)

    It is very very good and and for the price of 4 Starbucks coffees in store, it lasts +3 weeks for a family of 4.

    Black Rifle & Kicking Horse can both go fuck themselves for $15 a pound.

  3. Thank God, I never bought any or I would have been pissed to have supported them. Starbucks is another one…never had one of their overrated, overpriced cups of swill.

  4. Not good covfefe anyway. If you like your covfefe mega strong, let me recommend Death Wish coffee. Great stuff! As far as I know, they have not woke up. Thumbs up!!

  5. “Black Rifle Coffee shoot themselves in the foot” — AGAIN.

    There, fixed it for you. They already alienated everyone when they threw Kyle under the bus after he was shown wearing one of their T-shirts.

  6. Kyle not having been yet been tried for anything or anywhere but the court of public opinion, I find their characterizations totally unfair and leftist and meriting a complete boycott.
    I predict they’ll lose many more customers than those they would “flush”.
    Personally, I like Yuban, but it’s not always easy to find.
    We need to start cancelling these assholes as they try to do to others.

  7. Matt Best. WTF? They’ve made statements like this in the past and tried to back off them. Slow Learners? Head Wounds? Stupid AF. Kyle Rittenhouse is a political prisoner.

  8. I watched their videos when they popped up here and there.
    I personally don’t get into that “special coffee” scene.
    I thought about buying some of their brand, but never got around to it. I guess I won’t bother now.
    I watched the Kyle Rittenhouse videos over and over and I can’t see how anyone would see him as guilty of anything, or his supporters as “repugnant”. In fact, those videos should be used for combat training for soldiers.

  9. A tea shop in Atlanta did something similar and now they are out of business in their brick and mortar and online. Even animals know not to sh*t where they eat.

    A great coffee – Aldi’s German Roasted (Mild). Reasonable price and as good as the so-called gourmet coffees. I like the lower acid ‘Mild’
    I recently ordered from a premium coffee roaster and it is not as good as Aldi’s.

  10. Leftist torpedos away!! The poor quishy pandering dipshits at BRC didn’t even see it coming. Leftists would never really buy their coffee so they never had a leftist base but the left made them alienate their true base whch was conservatives. Classic leftsist tactic because in their eyes anything butch or masculine that goes against their gender-fluid homogenization of the American male must be destroyed. Oh well, Darwin weeds out the weak and stupid every time.

  11. I saw their ads & liked them. When they first came down on Kyle, if I had been a customer, I would have dropped them but my coffee cravings, such that they are, are satisfied by some Mexican instant coffee.

    My gal turns her nose up at me when I’m having a cup. Coffee snob.

    I just don’t see the use of a business coming down on one side or the other in a political debate. Does it make an iota of difference to Nike that I stopped buying their tennis clothing? Michael Jordan nailed it when he said Republicans buy tennis shoes too.

  12. Cafe Bustelo. 3 bucks a brick to refill the can I’ve had for about 7 years. Was introduced to it by a Puerto Rican hospital unit coordinator 10 years ago when everyone was buying Starbucks in a bag for home consumption. Gave away about $40 worth of Starbucks after that first brick of the Bustelo.

  13. Highly possible they’re fake vets peddling garbage coffee with suspect and scammy ‘payment options’. Anyone at all can falsely display themselves as this that or the other thing for, profit, and juvenile attention bids. Liberal dunderheads do it all the time and comically get busted.

  14. Coffees are kinda like beers. There are so many varieties to pick and choose from. That’s what makes it interesting and fun. I stay away from anyone or anything that needs to make Social or political commentary to sell their stuff. If it can’t make it on its own merits, let it die!

  15. I used to hear BRC ads on Hannitys radio show all the time. Same with that Shave Club dealio. But I haven’t heard their ads in months. Maybe they both pulled their ads cuz Sean Bad Man, He Ridicule Dementia Joe.

    I bought a designer coffee recently. COVFEFE® Brand coffee. MAGA strength Dark Roast, whole bean.
    *Grind beans in 32 year old Krups grinder
    *Dump powder into Frangelica French Press I got for Fitty cents ($0.50) at Acquistapaces on sale
    *Fill it up with microwaved tap water.
    *Steep for four minutes
    *Press it
    *pour into my Weiner Dogs, The Master Race coffee cup
    *Top it off with a big ol’ snort of El Cheapo coffee liqueur that I pour out of an old Kahlua bottle that I keep refilling. The one shaped like Chac Mul, the Mayan God of human sacrifice.

    If that shit don’t wake you up I don’t know what will.

  16. I was thinking about trying this coffee, now i don’t need to. That makes two coffees i wont purchase. Starbucks and BRC. Got woke, hope you go broke

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