Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden – IOTW Report

Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden

Yahoo (Bloomberg) — The Black unemployment rate climbed in February even as most other Americans saw a decline in joblessness, underscoring that the labor-market recovery remains uneven one year after the pandemic began.

The unemployment rate for Black Americans rose to 9.9%, the highest among all race groups tracked, the Labor Department said Friday. The overall U.S. jobless rate fell to 6.2% and White, Hispanic and Asian-American workers saw declines, the data show. read more

11 Comments on Black Unemployment Rate Rises Under Biden

  1. ok, here’s the deal.
    all you White Supremacist Trump supporters gonna have to work extra, extra hard now to pay more taxes because the Benevolent Progressive™️ D’rat gubmint* needs to take care of those laid-off Blacks & all the Illegal beaners we’re gonna bring in to pick up the slack from all those Blacks collecting Unemployment checks.
    … see how that works America?

    (* a proud subsidiary of the CCP)

  2. No sympathy for black Americans who continue to exhibit the democrat plantation mentality. You vote democrat every single time and you get everything you deserve – Good and Hard. Under President Trump you were given an opportunity for real freedom but you as always chose another form of slavery over freedom.

    Wake the fuck up.

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