Black voters far more likely than white voters to reject idea of more than two genders, poll finds – IOTW Report

Black voters far more likely than white voters to reject idea of more than two genders, poll finds

Just The News: 62% of Black U.S. voters said there are only two genders, biological male and females, compared to 49% of whites and 51% of Hispanics.

Black voters far more likely than white voters to reject idea that there are more than two genders, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The poll found 62% of Black U.S. voters said there are only two genders, biological male and females, while 49% of whites and 51% of Hispanics said the same. Thirty percent of black voters said there were “other gender identities,” compared to 44% of whites and 39% of Hispanics.

Among U.S. voters overall, and of all races, just 51% believe there are only two genders while 41% believe there are other gender identities. MORE

15 Comments on Black voters far more likely than white voters to reject idea of more than two genders, poll finds

  1. California Proposition 8, a constitutional amendment stating ‘marriage is between a man and a woman’, passed with about 51.5% of the vote in November 2008. There was an unusually high black voter turnout because for the first time a black candidate was on the presidential ballot. And that likely led to the slim margin of victory for Prop 8. Of course libs deny, deny, deny but blacks have always been more socially conservative than whites. In fact that is driving a lot of the schism in the United Methodist Church, which is splitting solely due to sex/gender recognition issues.

  2. Anyone that believes there are more than 2 genders is a flat out moron. The fact that 62% of blacks believe in the truth v 49% of whites says to me, we have a large scale mental health issue underway.

    Thank the teacher’s unions for a lot, if not most, of this idiocy.

    If I were in charge, the Dept/Education, which is not much more than a payoff system to school districts that toe the commie line, would have been gone Day 1. Reform of it is impossible, right now 1,000s of mid level bureaucrats are just treading water, waiting for orange man to be gone.

  3. Most of this and similar bullshit impresses me as just another in a long list of formulaic Democrat tactics.

    Synthetic or manufactured outrage usually predominantly lead by histrionic college indoctrinated young women pretending to be offended on behalf of….

    It is attractive to people looking for attention, young college indoctrinated females are most affected

  4. MMinAR has it right. If you believe there are more than two sexes, you are a moron.

    XX = female
    XY= male
    Chromosomes do not lie.

    If you think there are 62 other choices, you are a fool.

  5. Guarantee you that half the white people saying there are more than two genders are just blathering that to keep their bratty kids from turning them into the woke mob.


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