Black Voters in South Carolina Turn on Joe Biden Ahead of Democrat Primary (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Black Voters in South Carolina Turn on Joe Biden Ahead of Democrat Primary (VIDEO)

Biden just wants to cause more bills for everybody, and he’s got a lot of homeless people out here.”

11 Comments on Black Voters in South Carolina Turn on Joe Biden Ahead of Democrat Primary (VIDEO)

  1. It’s time for the biannual ritual of Republicans deluding themselves that blacks aren’t going to continue voting democrat at a 95% clip every election. They’re too dumb. They’re too brainwashed. They’re too easily bought off. And they love cheating, especially if they think they’re cheating whitey because many of them hate whitey more than they love their own kids. And the lily whites who run the DNC have trained blacks to believe that the GOP = Whitey.

  2. Might be werking? But do all da bros want to werk? Hell no, aw HELL NO. They are pissed that immigrants are taking government funds dat are rightfully theirs.
    Maybe they need to convince Abbott to quit busing cause the bros need moe money.

  3. @ TheMule SUNDAY, 28 JANUARY 2024, 11:22 AT 11:22 AM

    Perhaps you can fill me in on how they would be one damn bit better off if they had been supporting and voting for establishment Republicans.

  4. Jim Clayburn is going to be plenty pissed about this. How is he supposed to cheat Biden back into office if everyone in a democrat district has already voted to Trump?


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