Black Wisconsin state senator cited for ‘disorderly conduct’ after allegedly calling a bank teller a “house ni$$er” – IOTW Report

Black Wisconsin state senator cited for ‘disorderly conduct’ after allegedly calling a bank teller a “house ni$$er”

American Mirror: A Wisconsin state senator was cited for disorderly conduct last week after the allegedly berated a black bank teller with racist language over a dispute about a check.

Lena Taylor, a black Democratic state senator representing Milwaukee, received a municipal citation for disorderly conduct on Friday from Milwaukee police who were at the Wells Fargo Bank on W. Wisconsin Ave. on an unrelated call, WISN reports.

Taylor allegedly got into a dispute with a teller who refused to cash an $831 check for esteemed lawmaker because she did not have enough funds in her account to cover it.

Witnesses allege Taylor called the teller a “house ni**er” for following the bank’s policies.

According to WISN:

Milwaukee Police officers …. Overheard Taylor berating the teller and intervened. A shift lieutenant arrived on the scene shortly thereafter and, after reviewing the bank’s security camera footage, issued Taylor a municipal citation for disorderly conduct.

The citation comes with a maximum fine of $500, but is not considered a criminal violation.

Milwaukee Police forwarded WISN’s questions about the incident to Taylor’s office. A spokesperson for the senator said Taylor would issue a statement about the ordeal some time on Monday.

The incident wasn’t the first time Taylor allegedly lost her temper in public.  MORE

28 Comments on Black Wisconsin state senator cited for ‘disorderly conduct’ after allegedly calling a bank teller a “house ni$$er”

  1. you have to realize this is what this country has come to … they have chosen sides … & we are their enemy … live & let live is no longer an option with them
    it wasn’t what we wanted, but it is definitely what they want … they want our enslavement with every fiber of their being, & if that isn’t possible, our destruction is just fine with them

    the next Revolution is coming … wakey, wakey

    oh, neverming … just go back to your Soma

  2. The citation comes with a maximum fine of $500, but is not considered a criminal violation.

    I wouldn’t pay the fine, I’d plead my 1st Amendment rights. Sue me! The check she was trying to cash was $831, now she has only $331 of that left. LMAO! She’s a piece of work!

  3. I wouldn’t really object to a plan that walled off 90% of Milwaukee to turn it into a giant Escape from New York-style citywide prison complex. Just leave those of us in the suburbs alone to enjoy our newfound safety and we’ll even volunteer to help put some bricks in the wall.

  4. “House nigger” is an outdated term from the slave days, used to deride slaves who had above-normal intelligence and initiative and learned to read and write. Today, blacks who try to better themselves are called “Uncle Tom” (if they are lucky) or stabbed with a shive if not so lucky.

  5. Hey! Whas wrowng wit cho?? Don cho no dat when dey be ‘lekted dey be a hole new race ‘n’ speeshees? Dey gits spayshul rahts! Enny fool kin see dat!!

  6. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ April 9, 2018 at 9:59 pm

    > the next Revolution is coming … wakey, wakey
    > oh, neverming … just go back to your Soma

    There are those that call your “Revolution” the snooze button.

  7. Pretty sad a sitting senator doesn’t have $800 in a bank account considering how badly the fuck us every year over their raises….and a ni66er using the ni66er word is just another ni66er!
    Dress it up, give it a title and a little respect and they’re still ni66ers under it all…truly pathetic!
    “CIVIL: Rights Act my Irish ass!
    Whose CIVIL?
    They act like fucking apes then wonder why we don’t want them around us or treat them as equals…they’re NOT equal to us in any way, shape or form…fucking silver back assholes!

  8. Can someone explain to me what a “house nisser” is?

    Just say it: House Nigger. Then we know what you meant to say. Never be ashamed to call a spade a spade.

    Remember, it isn’t about color. If it was about color, you wouldn’t see so many blacks calling themselves nigger when the talked at each other.


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