Blackface, makeup, and everything in between – IOTW Report

Blackface, makeup, and everything in between

American Thinker:

So Al Roker got to dress up as Doc Brown for Halloween and post his photographs all over social media for his adoring followers.  Megyn Kelly, on the other hand, made one comment about a costume, and she got fired almost instantaneously.  Hypocritical?  Double standard?  You betcha!

I understand the arguments made by those who are appalled by the horrendous history of blackface and what motivated it, but, and this is a big but, the intent behind the costume, makeup, or outfit should be taken into account before people lose their jobs and are called “racists.”

Al Roker recently took to Twitter and wrote, “I can be Doc Brown, and I wear the outfit and wig and not change my skin color.  If you’re white, you can be President Obama if you want.  Just don’t color your skin!”  Well, I take issue with that.  Some people use makeup every day; other people go out and get tattoos and color their skin.  It’s your skin, and in America, you should be allowed to do whatever you want with it (outside cannibalism, in my opinion).  more here

SNIP: Yeah, ‘just don’t color your skin’. lol.

Wise advice from Al Roker. The guy who crapped his pants at the White house.

8 Comments on Blackface, makeup, and everything in between

  1. Al Roker is so insignificant that he thinks he controversial.
    he’s not.
    i’d have more respect for him if he had real man BALLS and wore a shirt that says
    ‘black to the future’
    butt, alas, him just an older broke down version of the future don lemon.

  2. Jimmy Kimmel did the black face several times in impersonating Karl Malone on “The Man Show” back in the day. Where is his apologies and pleading for forgiveness?

    Also, next it will be racist for white people to go to the beach to get a tan. Tanning centers will need to be shut down as they are really centers of cultural appropriation.

  3. Follow the Narrative.
    Follow the Partei Doctrine.
    Follow the Agenda.
    Some sacrifices must be made.
    Show trials, public pillory – whatever – the Message is Permanent – the Partei is Everything.
    Live AND Die for the Partei!

    Be-clown yourself, immolate yourself, Lie, Dissemble, Prevaricate, shuffle to the scaffold … just be content in the knowledge that your life is given for the cause.

    izlamo delenda est …

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