BlackLivesMatter Activist Lands $165K Job With Baltimore Schools – IOTW Report

BlackLivesMatter Activist Lands $165K Job With Baltimore Schools

LI: The City of Baltimore has had a rough time over the last couple years. Riots and a high profile legal case, both of which were largely based on race, have dominated headlines.

How is the city helped by hiring Black Lives Matter activist DeRay McKesson for $165,000 to run human resources for Baltimore schools?

Note how the Baltimore Sun has upgraded McKesson to “civil rights” activist:  more

9 Comments on BlackLivesMatter Activist Lands $165K Job With Baltimore Schools

  1. You’ve got to be f’n kidding me.
    Baltimore is collapsing in on itself and they hire this maniac to run HR for the schools?
    Hey Hon! If you still live in B’more get the hell out NOW!

  2. He makes almost as much as a pampered, spoiled Congresscritter. Poor education, there is never enough money to educate the children but plenty of money to pay their retarded staff!

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