BLACKMON: Energy Companies Are Laughing At Predictions Of ‘Peak Oil’ – IOTW Report

BLACKMON: Energy Companies Are Laughing At Predictions Of ‘Peak Oil’


One could almost hear the howls of laughter emanating from the hallways of major oil companies and analyst firms in August when the increasingly politicized International Energy Agency published a report projecting that global demand for crude oil would peak by 2030. Last week, the agency doubled down on that prediction, going further to add similar predictions about natural gas and coal demand in its Global Energy Outlook for 2023. 

“A legacy of the global energy crisis may be to usher in the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era: the momentum behind clean energy transitions is now sufficient for global demand for coal, oil and natural gas to all reach a high point before 2030 in the STEPS,” the report’s executive summary says, referring to its Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS). That scenario, one of several the agency ran through its statistical model, is supposedly based on energy, climate, and industrial policies already in place in countries around the world.  more

10 Comments on BLACKMON: Energy Companies Are Laughing At Predictions Of ‘Peak Oil’

  1. Petroleum produces fuel, but it also produces plastics, fertilizer, dyes, and tons of other products. In fact, it would be impossible to manufacture, transport, and install many parts of green tech without pertroleum-based products. They’re not going away any time soon. Anyone claiming otherwise is either a fool or a liar.

  2. I am of the opinion that the term “fossil fuels” is a lie. The time period that created fossils, Noah’s flood, did not create these hydrocarbon fuels we have been extracting. That’s nonsense.

    I am in the camp that the earth produces oil and natural gas all the time.

    We were told that oil production was at it’s peak in 1973. Obviously, that was a lie. These fuels have been extracted at a rate multiple times more than at that time period, and no end is in sight.

    It’s exactly the same as the panic that is being falsely put forward over things like the plandemic – to control the earth’s population through fear of scarcity.

    The earth science, that anyone can look at, agrees with this.

    It’s God-denying people that say otherwise when they look at the clear evidence.

  3. Funny how they make these predictions just when the windtowers and solar panels are being revealed as boondoggles and failures which would never exist without…oil.

    And there is no “Operation Warp Speed” to produce the one energy form which could actually reduce oil consumption…nuclear.

    These IAEA posers are not following any science, and most of them have no STEM education. They are Policy Polyps pushing elitist bullshit.

    And everybody here who is pushing abiogenic oil origins is absolutely right. There is more oil in the ground than man, in his hubris, could ever hope to drain dry.

  4. There’s an island out in either the Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean Sea that virtually stopped producing oil years back. All of a sudden, it started producing copious amounts again. To top it off, how much of the earth has been explored for other oil and natural gas deposits? A miniscule amount of acreage. These idiots that are ranting about peak oil are just that . . . IDIOTS!!! ;^)


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