Blago’s inmate buddies write glowing letters about him – IOTW Report

Blago’s inmate buddies write glowing letters about him

But the judge doesn’t give a rat.

-Chicago Sun Times: Blago: Judge should not have blown off glowing inmate letters.

More than 100 of Rod Blagojevich’s fellow inmates wrote letters to U.S. District Judge James Zagel before the former governor’s re-sentencing earlier this year.

They told the judge that Blagojevich, 60, “loves his family,” “loves to help other people,” and is “a leader and a good man.” One even wrote, “I don’t believe there is a man alive that I respect and appreciate more than Rod.”

But when Zagel took the bench in August, he said those inmates “don’t know him and they don’t know him in the context of a powerful officeholder in Congress and in Illinois.” Then, Zagel reinstated Blagojevich’s original 14-year prison sentence. 



17 Comments on Blago’s inmate buddies write glowing letters about him

  1. Hilarious. “Thick as thieves” comes to mind. Blago, a malignant narcissist criminal is right where he belongs – in prison. He may not get a pardon if he knows too much about Barry.

  2. I have forgotten all about this guy-
    Proverbs 10:7 comes to mind-“The memory of the just is blessed, but the name of the wicked shall rot ”
    Also Psalm 109:13 ” Let their name be blotted out ”
    I’m not a cruel man, I just don’t like evil people.

  3. Some excerpts from those “glowing references”:

    “Has a real purty mouth”

    “Squeals like a fat white pig”

    “Lets me call him by my ex wife’s name”

    Loaned me his toothbrush once”

  4. If Blago had started a not really not-for-profit Foundation and had people donate to it he would have been free.
    Hillary sold (through the Clinton Foundation) ambassadorships, huge Dept. of State Contracts, jobs, government access and who knows what else.
    Hillary and Bill raked in $100’s of millions and Blagojevich got 14 years in prison for something he didn’t even sell.
    Will Hillary ever face justice?

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