Blame Trump! Never mind that the shooter had beef with the Capital Gazette long before President Trump was elected – IOTW Report

Blame Trump! Never mind that the shooter had beef with the Capital Gazette long before President Trump was elected


DC: A Capital Gazette “thank you” letter to readers published Sunday took aim at President Donald Trump.

“We won’t forget being called an enemy of the people,” read the letter, which was published just 48 hours after the horrific shooting that rocked their newsroom on Thursday, killing five and wounding others.

The letter began with a touching tribute to those who were killed on Thursday, thanking readers and everyone who had reached out for the “outpouring of sympathy” the Gazette received in the aftermath of the tragedy.

We will never forget Rob Hiaasen, Gerald Fischman, Wendi Winters, John McNamara or Rebecca Smith, our five co-workers who were gunned down in a senseless attack.

Then came a solemn promise never to forget those who had marched, held vigils, and shown their support in other ways.  more here

8 Comments on Blame Trump! Never mind that the shooter had beef with the Capital Gazette long before President Trump was elected

  1. The MSM reminds me why I can’t watch the World Cup of Soccer.

    Every time a player brushes up against an opponent, the opponent goes down like he suffered a gunshot wound.
    The MSM is the same way with Trump tweets, Trump statements, Trump appointments.

    The MSM is a bunch of pansy-assed soccer players who lie and have faux outrage at every little thing.


  2. “We won’t forget being called an enemy of the people,”

    You weren’t “called” an “enemy of the people” you ARE an enemy of the people.
    It has merely been pointed out.

    There’s a difference.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Politically cornered and sinking, the left can only resort by attacking verbally what it perceives as its enemy, President Trump. So, crying, hoping, and beating on their social media war drums, messages of their hate of Trump is really all they have left after Hillary crashed and burned right in front of them.


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