Bleeding Heart Democrat Policies Force Coastal Elite Intellectual Into Considering Arming Herself – IOTW Report

Bleeding Heart Democrat Policies Force Coastal Elite Intellectual Into Considering Arming Herself

Never yet melted:

Freelance writer Amy Alkon does not like guns, but finds that liberal democrat policies may very well oblige her to become a gun owner.

I never wanted a gun. In fact, I wanted to never own one—until around noon on Thursday, August 20th.

Since the late 1990s, I’ve lived in Venice, California, renting a one-bedroom Craftsman house a mile from the ocean that someone built out of a Sears-catalog kit 100 years ago. I’m a science-based syndicated columnist and author, currently working all hours to complete a book that keeps trying to kill me. Luckily, I’m writing it in this cute little old lady of a house on my sweet Venice block.

Whenever it seems I’m pointlessly pushing words around the page, I’ll step out the front door and take in the sunny stretch of palm trees, cacti, and bougainvillea. I’ll spot a hummingbird, wave to my neighbor with his parrot on his shoulder, or maybe watch Joey the Aggressive Squirrel, my wee dog’s taunting nemesis. These brief distractions uncouple me from looming suspicions that I’m an incompetent dullard no one will want to read, and I often go back in, emotionally restored, and pound out a coherent and even reader-worthy paragraph. …

[A]bout a week and a half into August, a VW Vanagon Westfalia (circa 1987, tricked out with solar panels on top) appeared in front of my house and stayed there. A white woman, about 40, with long magenta-dyed hair, was living in the van with a big leather-muzzled Rottweiler. The dog was prone to barking jags, and the woman didn’t just close the van’s sliding door when she got in and out; she often slammed it so hard that it shook my little wooden house. …

here was door slamming all day and sometimes at night—a deliberate ritual to show me she was in control. She could disturb my work, my peace of mind, and my sleep whenever she felt like it.

I was frustrated and upset, but I wasn’t afraid—until August 14th. A tall, rough-looking white guy roared up on a shiny Harley, parked it in front of the van, and got in. Soon afterward, another dude got in, too.


18 Comments on Bleeding Heart Democrat Policies Force Coastal Elite Intellectual Into Considering Arming Herself

  1. I’m glad she wants a firearm for protection, but she didn’t have to make a novella out of the story. I did not read the whole thing, which would have been a colossal waste of my time.

    “Brevity is the soul of very short story writing”.

  2. I really can’t take seriously anyone who doesn’t refer to squirrels by their proper name: Rocky, aka Rocket J. Squirrel.

    Venice is City of L.A., she’s probably 4 miles south of me. Yep, the homeless population is exploding, but only here in CA (and really only L.A. & SF) because of the local policies which don’t allow police to enforce the law. A major part of why I am leaving.

  3. Sounds like the scenario that precludes me from ever contemplating crossing the southern US border.

    Build the wall with one-way doors so we can push out “Americans” who don’t belong here (which imo includes ALL the people depicted in her little essay)

  4. You stupid fucking bint, the Mayor and council that are hampering the Police effort were elected by fucking idiots like you.

    Please buy a gun, and then stay where you are.

    Too many of you worthless pieces of shit seem to be realizing that you have fucked up your own cities and states and are moving to lovely places to live, and then ruining them with your same ideals.

    Fuck off and learn to love the smell of shit on your sidewalk. You deserve it for your actions.

  5. AHAHAHA. Sorry, I cannot help but laugh. They are so righteous until reality raises its ugly head.

    Not sure what a Harley had to do with anything. Why does an American-made motorcycle ( I do ride an American-made motorcycle, though not a Harley) have to do with this story? Others showed up driving whatever and got in the van.

  6. How many times do we see “He had a long list of violent felonies and restraining orders”?
    Three Strikes and Yer Out would go a loooong way to reducing a lot of this!
    But nooooooooooooo… Liberals had a better idea.
    Welcome to the unending stupidity of dumb-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, pussy-hat-wearing democRATz!

  7. Wait until she actually tries to buy a firearm in Crumbling-fornia. If she thinks the restraining order process was daunting she’ll look back fondly on that effort when she tries to buy even a single-shot 20 gauge shotgun.

  8. How enlightened of this nitwit.

    I’m conflicted. Should she be mocked or kindly encouraged to shake the remainder of her cognitive dissonance…

    Nah. She calls the police repeatedly. She screams at the postman. She disses their innocent dog (not her little “tiny” darling.) She carefully notes that the transgressors on her street are white, and have a Harley. She yammers to her neighbors. And then she calls free Legal Aid because she can’t manage the bureaucratic forms that were designed to help people in emergency domestic violence situations.


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