Blinken hopes you won’t find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake companies – IOTW Report

Blinken hopes you won’t find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake companies

Revolver: Another day, another foreign policy disaster from the failed Biden regime. This time around, inept Secretary of State Antony Blinken is praying to whatever “god” will listen to him at this point, hoping the American people don’t discover that Ukrainian officials in Kharkiv have been using US tax dollars to get rich quick by investing in fake companies.

Well, tough luck, Blinky; we’re about to blow the lid off of it…

Now, if the name of that town rings a bell, it’s likely due to recent reports of Russians entering the city and taking it over with barely a struggle. Why, you ask? It’s because officials pocketed the money meant for “defense” and used it to line their own pockets. more

12 Comments on Blinken hopes you won’t find out that Ukrainian officials got rich using our tax dollars to invest in fake companies

  1. Sweet. And I’m just one of millions of Americans hoping for a Russian victory in Ukraine over the most corrupt involvement of The United States in ANY war, ever, by the most corrupt U.S. President, ever – in the history… of history!

    (Dear Trolls. Kiss my ass. You won’t last five minutes. -GM)

  2. What a freaken joke. And we all knew it. These people really need to see justice staring them in the face. Blinken was born in America but when he was very young his mother divorced his dad, married some European dude, and that’s where Blinken was raised Europe. And then he came back here and they finished his dumb ass off at Columbia U. The epicenter of all evil. All this shits connected. All of these people are connected. And the head of the snake is BoRock. Just wait until you see the 2025 tax schedules. Bottom line they need money now. So they’ll just take yours.

  3. And I have a feeling that the Kyiv Krooks aren’t stashing their loot in US Dollars. A few minutes ago, spot price of gold was $2,415 and silver $31.50 per ounce.

    Note that these prices reflect a loss in the value of the US Dollar more than an increase in the value of precious metals.

  4. I don’t care so much about Ukrainian officials getting rich off my tax dollars. It’s the senators, representatives, and pretend administration officials that I’m tying nooses for. Without them, the Ukrainians would just be local corrupt scum.

  5. The Kharkiv(sp) walkover was caused by the ‘leaders’ failing to use the money to build defensive fortifications. One account, including video, showed the Russian soldiers just, literally, walking in and retaking territory the Ukrainians had at great expense of people and materiel taken back from the Russians last year.

  6. “… another foreign policy disaster from the failed Biden regime.”

    “Disaster?” “Failed?”

    From Biden’s and Zelenskyy’s point of view there’s NO disaster and the regime certainly hasn’t “failed” – the corrupt regime is a screaming success.

    “Oh, I think it might snow some.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. One small point: Russia has not taken Kharkiv; it has opened a front across the border into Kharkiv region. And Putin says there are no plans to occupy the city…”at the moment”.


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