“BLM Activist” Demands Reparations & George Floyd Bill For School – IOTW Report

“BLM Activist” Demands Reparations & George Floyd Bill For School

He is hysterically funny.

26 Comments on “BLM Activist” Demands Reparations & George Floyd Bill For School

  1. Comedic genius! They are too afraid to stop him because they have made rational thinking a thing of the past. He’s no more ridiculous than the idiots listing to him.

  2. I couldn’t watch the whole comedy routine, what a kack ass! He ain’t black, he is an ignorant, crack smoking white whore! Had I been there I would busted my gut laughing, not at him, but at the asses who didn’t bust a gut trying to be non-racist.

  3. LOL! Perfect. The parts of his routine suggesting “promotions” for black kids who emulating everything Crackhead Floyd did in his rotten life really pissed off that Demwit council. LOL! Irony and hypocrisy is lost on leftists.

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