BLM protest organizer pleads guilty to 20 counts of possession of illegal pornography – IOTW Report

BLM protest organizer pleads guilty to 20 counts of possession of illegal pornography

PM: A New Hampshire man that previously organized a North Conway Black Lives Matter protest he called “Skate Away the Hate” pleaded guilty to to 20 counts of possession of child pornography.

39-year-old Chris DeVries appeared in court just before Christmas, and was sentenced to a minimum of three to six years in prison, according to The Conway Daily Sun. MORE

11 Comments on BLM protest organizer pleads guilty to 20 counts of possession of illegal pornography

  1. “Just one month after the protest took place, DeVries was charged with six counts of possessing child sexual abuse images, one count of possession of psilocybin mushrooms and one count of falsifying physical evidence.”

    No doubt an FBI operative put the shit on his phone.

    I don’t believe any of their bullshit.
    They should have just killed him “while attempting to escape” – that’s what the Nazis did after they captured the prisoners from “The Great Escape” (Stalag Luft III).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Being a fucking pervert sexual predator is one of the gates one is expected to pass through in order to rise in the prog pecking order. Who would have ever guessed? Actually we were commenting on this right here a decade ago, before it became “common knowledge.”

    Their motivation is laid out right here by Ann Barnhardt:

    They want you to recognize that they are better than you. The rules, irrespective of and and particularly the rules of common decency especially the most predatory don’t apply to they who want to be seen as the purest of the pure and deserving of advancement within progdom. And that is a stone cold natural fact.

  3. what king of “porn” is illegal? If rhecsubject of the article was a Trump staffer I’m sure we’d know the details but as the subject is a BLMer we have to flip a coin between snuff film or child porn or both if it’s white children being abused then murdered. As a ate talking about a BLMer I’m putting my money on the latter.

  4. Honestly, it would be more of a surprise to find a member of Burn Loot Murder who WASN’T a piece of absolute human filth. This is guy is simply par for the course as far those assholes go.


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