BLM Riots Swaying Kenosha Residents to Vote Trump – IOTW Report

BLM Riots Swaying Kenosha Residents to Vote Trump

FrontPageMag: The riot strategy may be backfiring on the riot party.

That comes from that notorious right-wing rag, the New York Times.

John Geraghty, a 41-year-old worker in a tractor factory, has barely paid attention to the presidential race or the conventions.

Every day he focuses on survival: getting his son to sports practice, working at his job where he now wears a mask, and getting home to sleep, only to start over again the next day.

But when he woke up on Monday morning to images of his hometown, Kenosha, Wis., in flames, he could not stop watching. The unrest in faraway places like Portland, Ore., and Minneapolis had arrived at his doorstep… And after feeling “100 percent on the fence” about who he will vote for in November, he is increasingly nervous that Democratic state leaders seem unable to contain the spiraling crisis.

The New York Times is elbowing Democrats and rioters about the political consequences of burning down cities. more

16 Comments on BLM Riots Swaying Kenosha Residents to Vote Trump

  1. Democrat governments aren’t unable to stop the rioting. They’re just unwilling. It’s their ideology that both stops them, and makes them unwilling. And they will stay unwilling as long as the majority of citizens are willing to keep voting them back into office.

    If the citizens of Kenosha can’t decide they want something better, they’ll get more of it. According to a statement on FNC last evening – Kenosha county is one of the “swingyest counties” in the country. Sounds like a lot of 100% undecideds stay on the fence, where they are easily persuaded to make poor decisions on election day.

  2. Whites are being screwed way more by DA’s than blacks are by cops.

    The DA’s are letting rioters and looters off scot free and making up bogus charges on the Rittenhouses and Mccloskeys.

    The left takes to the streets when they don’t like cop’s actions.
    The right says ‘gee, i hope he can get a good lawyer’ when a DA makes up a bogus charge on somebody standing in the way of one of their state sanctioned criminals.

    Thus far, the only issue given much attention is the cops. There needs to be an equal or greater amount of attention by our side to crooked, corrupt DA’s.

  3. Can you blame them, if I were a democrap the last thing I would want is more violence which is pretty much guaranteed if God forbid joey becomes Presidunce. The democraps have overstepped their bounds for everyone to see and will pay for it come November 3rd in spades. And they don’t have a clue thinking that somehow chaos, rioting, looting, arson, death and destruction etc. will somehow carry the day for them

  4. “John Geraghty, a 41-year-old worker in a tractor factory, has barely paid attention to the presidential race or the conventions.”

    …what’s the saying?

    ‘Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn’t mean politics won’t take an interest in you. ‘

    …true in Pericles’ time, true today. Men of leisure will use the power of goverment to enslave you, willing or no, whether you think it’s a good idea or not. If you’re at work, you need look no further than the lower half of your own face for proof of what Goverment can make you do.

    Put another way,
    ” If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for But there are certain to be ones you want to vote against.”
    -Lazarus Long

    …John Geraghty would not have to be dealing with his city burning today had he and many others been attentive when electing governors and mayors, representatives and Presidents yesterday. Democrats tend to focus on interest groups, knowing that they will rabily vote themselves privileges and largesse while the John Geraghtys of the world may scrunch their brows at seeing perverts are to be allowed in their daughter’s bathrooms and that legislation may deny their sons equal opportunity or even the right to bear arms, but ultimately decide it’s not the worst thing to happen and they are just too tired to even go vote today, leaving the violent and the ignorant in full control of electing those that control their lives.

    It’s nice that the John Geraghtys may be waking up, but it’s still a long way to November.

    Plenty of time to get them back to sleep.

    All the Democrats need is an October surprise false flag, and John Geraghty and his ilk will turn, once again, to the party that says they will solve all their problems and deal with Orange Man Bad if only they give them the power…

  5. geoff the aardvark AUGUST 28, 2020 AT 9:13 AM
    “How can she being the Governor of Michigan deploy Natl. Guard troops to Wisconsin. That’s not even her state for crying out loud.”

    …she was asked, Democrat to Democrat, by the murder-causing, riot-inciting, POS fuckhead governor of Wisconsin, probably because he felt like he could trust HER to go after ONLY patriots and leave BLM alone.

    …its actually an old tactic because it CAN be difficult to get local boys to fire on their own, but if you get your soldiers from another state, they aren’t attached to the area and are kind of jumpier because its terra incognita, so they are more likely to shoot locals than your OWN people might be, which is why they will use UN troops for the coup HERE…


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