BLM shills Cuba’s lily-white dictatorship, flipping off all the black people protesting across Cuba – IOTW Report

BLM shills Cuba’s lily-white dictatorship, flipping off all the black people protesting across Cuba

American Thinker: Black Lives Matter, an organization founded and led by “trained Marxists,” has released a statement on this week’s slave uprising in Cuba, brimming with sycophancy for the brutal Cuban dictatorship: MORE HERE

6 Comments on BLM shills Cuba’s lily-white dictatorship, flipping off all the black people protesting across Cuba

  1. Weird how none of BLM founder Patrice Khan-Cullors’ five homes are in the Worker’s Paradise of Cuba. Is she being red-lined by the white commie dictatorship?

  2. BLM leaders need to be careful. Using black folks as pawns in order to support a stupid political philosophy and to gain personal wealth and power is a tactic the Democrats use, and the DNC will protect its tactics at all costs.

  3. BLEXIT IN CUBA?! Their leaving the plantations! LOL, this is reminding me of the Haitian revolution now. Trading a Commie government for a black government, not a great proposition either way.

  4. Interesting to note that the cruel and abusive Cuba government will also capture, torture, and kyll the blms who by the way are not ‘trained’ in anything except to take money from the democrats and accomplices.

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