BLM’er Caught Inside Capitol Once Vowed to ‘Burn it All Down’ – IOTW Report

BLM’er Caught Inside Capitol Once Vowed to ‘Burn it All Down’

BLM activist told far-left mob he would ‘rip’ President Trump from office.


An anti-Trump Black Lives Matter activist, who once vowed he would “rip” the president from office and threatened to “burn it all down,” was caught inside the U.S. Capitol building during Wednesday’s riots.

John Sullivan, a prominent Utah-based BLM activist and the founder of far-left group Insurgence USA, told Fox News Thursday that he was just in the Capitol to “document” the events.

“There’s this narrative going around right now that Antifa was the people there causing the riots, causing the tension, they were the only people breaking into the Capitol, and I wanted to be able to tell a part of history and show that that was anything but the case,” Sullivan claims.

The radical-left Insurgence USA organization describes itself as the revolution on its website.

It started leading anti-police protesting last year following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis police custody.

During an August 2020 Black Lives Matter protest in Washington, D.C., Sullivan gave a speech to an angry mob and unleashed a torrent of violent rhetoric while pointing to the nearby White House.

“We … about to burn this s**t down,” Sullivan vowed as he riled up the crowd.

“We gotta … rip Trump right out of that office right there,” he continued.

“We ain’t about … waiting until the next election,” he warned.

He then led the crowd in a chant of, “It’s time for revolution.”  more

SNIP: Is he seriously trying to convince us he was there all by his lonesome?

7 Comments on BLM’er Caught Inside Capitol Once Vowed to ‘Burn it All Down’

  1. I see the same crack team from the FBI that swooped down on the garage where they found that door pull…er…I mean that noose, have found the guy that put his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk and arrested him. Great work huh?

    After all of the arrests the DOJ and FBI made of antifa and BLM burning down 100s of businesses, looting and attacking people in their homes, pulling down statues, setting churches on fire, why what did these white supremists think when they had the nerve to enter the Capital? Oh wait, the FBI didn’t arrest any antifa after they caused 100s of millions in damage? Sorry my bad. I guess they mean to make up for that with the nation wide manhunt underway for those rascally Trump supporters.

    I saw the union for Airline Stews came out in favor of not honoring tickets for any Trump supporters going home.

    Josh Hawley’s book publisher ripped up their signed deal because…Trump.

    I also note that that silly thing of suspending people that use their platforms has now turned into outright permanent bans. Really, why bother with 24 hour suspensions when you know these miscreants are just gonna come back and spout that crazy freedom stuff again?

    Say how long before we’re back to the good old days of $5(or more) gas and relying on those whack jobs in the ME? I say a year.

    I also see preparation in the House to require registration of all firearms and new taxes on ammunition. That didn’t take long.

    Wonder how long before Puerto Rico and DC are states?

    There’s an old adage that goes like this. Someone asked a formally wealthy man how he went bankrupt and he said slowly until all at once. That’s a good metaphor for our country isn’t it? How could this country have ever turn communist? We all watched year by year as our schools kept churning out millions of young adults taught to hate our traditions, culture and history. Watched our kids go off to colleges and come home radicalized. Saw the lies and propaganda spewed 24/7 by the media. Saw millions of illegals given literally trillions of dollars with millions more coming now. Little by little until they figured, really what will the chumps do?

    They were right.

  2. Being ignored by leftist pols and media of course.
    They’re convincing the brainwashed Dem voters the few people who went into the Capitol Bldg were deadlier than antifa and blm murders or fires or anything they did.

    The next 4 yrs everything bad will be blamed on Trump and his supporters.


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