Blog Shuts Down After Calling Everything Racist – IOTW Report

Blog Shuts Down After Calling Everything Racist

These bloggers set out on a mission to solve racism. and I think they accomplished that goal.

12 Comments on Blog Shuts Down After Calling Everything Racist

  1. Yep. Pretty much – if everything is “ray-cyst” then nothing is “ray-cyst.”

    The maggots (not these guys) have so cheapened the word and the concept that it no longer means anything. To make mayonnaise racist is to ignore the enormity of racism as we have seen it in the Armenian Genocide, the Ukrainian Holodomor, and the Jewish Holocaust (just three examples – there are more, of course).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t see any ads….. but I browse with adblocker browser and donate monthly…..



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