Bloomberg Gun Control Group Pledges $25 Million Against National Reciprocity – IOTW Report

Bloomberg Gun Control Group Pledges $25 Million Against National Reciprocity

GOA: Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety is pledging $25 million to fight the passage of National Reciprocity for concealed carry and to defeat pro-Second Amendment members of Congress in 2018.

Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC-8) introduced National Reciprocity on January 3, which was day one of the 115th Congress. A companion bill was introduced in the Senate in March by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX). Both pieces of legislation would treat concealed carry permits like a driver’s license, making a permit from one state good in every state.

According to Politico, Everytown president John Feinblatt said:

This is a line in the sand on this issue, there’s no question about it. The NRA wants to normalize carrying guns in public. It’s not where the American public is. We’re putting people on notice today that we’re watching … and that we expect to hold people accountable.

Everytown points to the defeat of Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) in an attempt to prove they can defeat Senators who support National Reciprocity. In doing this, they fail to highlight Ayotte’s pro-gun control votes and the fact that those votes placed a divide between Ayotte and Second Amendment supporters.

Essentially, Ayotte lost support by giving into gun control groups and supporting more laws after the Orlando Pulse attack. Yet Everytown is remaining silents about the gun control votes in an attempt to make it appear that they caused Ayotte to lose for being too pro-gun.

Another facet to this story which cannot be ignored is that Everytown’s opposition to National Reciprocity demonstrates the reality that gun control is no longer focused on “illegal guns,” like Bloomberg’s flagship Mayors Against Illegal Guns claimed to be.  more here


SNIP: Speaking of Mayors Against Illegal Guns—

“Gun Owners Against Illegal Mayors represents Americans united to fight the Bloomberg Gang, a band of organized criminal politicians. Originating in New York City, the Gang has recruited criminal mayors across the United States.
Some of the Gang’s  members have been convicted of  assaulting officers and constituents, corruption, extortion, theft, obstruction of justice, bribery, perjury,  tax evasion, child porn, battery, and child molestation. They have attacked constituents and police officers, destroyed houses with sledge hammers, and even stolen gift cards donated for the poor. No crime is beneath them and no enormity beyond them.”  
Click here to see which mayors are on that list.

22 Comments on Bloomberg Gun Control Group Pledges $25 Million Against National Reciprocity

  1. Somebody should do a parody of this treasonous Bloomberg disarmament campaign, aimed at Israel, and credit Bloomberg for the inspiration at every opportunity.

    Call it the Disarming Israel Extravaganza, or whatever.

    I’m sure the muslims would be all for it.

    When Bloomberg complains, we’ll call him an islamophobe.

  2. Have at it you treasonous bone smoking commie. Every time he sticks his schnoz into other states gun issues he infuriates patriotic, God fearing, America loving voters. Time to take away weapons from those in the 1% who do not want you or I to be able to defend ourselves. Maybe this cocksucker should take in a few muslims? He claims to be for the little guy but I don’t see any illegals or gang bangers inside his gated community.

  3. At every opportunity, people should ask this azz wipe who “we” is. Does he prefer to hang for treason or would a firing squad be better, The state could make a lot of money at $5.00 a chance to be on that firing squad.

  4. “I do think there’s certain times WE should infringe on YOUR freedom”

    This ass hole thinks he’s part of the Oligarchy. Which is while you’ll never get our guns midget fuktard.

  5. Why only 25 million, Bloomberg? To that same wit, why do these libtards only raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour?

    Let’s see you go for broke, buddy. Let’s see 500 million.

    Don’t the children deserve 500 million dollars Bloomberg? Stingy bastard who flies his own helicopters around just like trump but Trump is the greedy one?

    And fuck Gabby Giffords too – big braindead hypocrite (before she gt shot).

  6. “Every time our country stands in the path of danger, an instinct seems to summon her finest first– those who truly understand her. When freedom shivers in the cold shadow of true peril, it’s always the patriots who first hear the call. When loss of liberty is looming, as it is now, the siren sounds first in hearts of freedom’s vanguard.” ~Charlton Heston

  7. Remember, eventually this prick will die and face his eternal damnation. He had the audacity to state that he would waltz into Heaven for his progressive policy support. What a moron! What a pathetic evil little bastard.

  8. Skip negotiating reciprocity and go straight to nationwide Constitutional carry. Return to the 2A as your license – as it was intended.

    Then compromise down to reciprocity if you have to.

    Every gun law there is, is a compromise already.

    Ask Vermont. #1 state for gun freedom.

  9. All rich liberals have armed body guards.
    That’s the best part, I can’t afford armed guards so I carry. The rich guy doesn’t like
    me to be armed. Hay rich guy fuck you.

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