Bloomberg Spent $11 Million Per Delegate Won – IOTW Report

Bloomberg Spent $11 Million Per Delegate Won

Dan Bongino. com: Kudos to billionaires Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer for debunking the long and wide-held assumption that money can buy you an election – all it cost was a combined $800+ million dollars.

Steyer spent $267 million – upwards of an entire fifth of his net worth, while Bloomberg shelled out approximately $560 million, more than any candidate has ever spent to accomplish so little. Jeb! must be relieved to no longer hold the title.

While Bernie Sanders’ prospects of winning the Democrat nomination are fleeing, at least he can sleep tight knowing he made two billionaires $800+ million poorer. MORE

7 Comments on Bloomberg Spent $11 Million Per Delegate Won

  1. How did these narcissists earn their money again? Must be easy peasy. No smarts needed, no strategy, no understanding of the marketplace, supply / demand, etc. Stellar performance considering…

  2. $560,000,000 divided by approximately 300,000,000 Americans equals $1.8 million per person. If you are a Democrat who is in the business of giving away “free shit” wouldn’t it have been a better bet to just give 1.8 million to every American, rather than flushing it down the political toilet? Because there is no doubt that if Bloomberg had done that, he would have wiped his ass with the Democrats, and probably the Republicans.

    Sorry if my math is bad… but still. It makes you think.

  3. @Mohammed’s pink swastika MARCH 4, 2020 AT 10:37 PM

    “$560,000,000 divided by approximately 300,000,000 Americans” is about a buck eighty per person.

    Still it is funny that he spent that much and still came up short – I guess coming up short is what he’s best at.

  4. He shoulda called me.
    I can’t be bought with an obamaphone, or if you pave my momma’s driveway, etc…
    but honestly, if you were to hand me a million, yes I would.

    If for no other reason, because before Trump, every election was between two joke choices, since Reagan.

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