Blowback as labor bosses, not members, back Hillary – IOTW Report

Blowback as labor bosses, not members, back Hillary


WashingtonExaminer: Labor leaders are facing potential “blowback” from their members if they do not endorse Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ presidential bid over Hillary Clinton’s, said an organizer for Labor for Bernie. Unions that have already endorsed Clinton have already felt the heat.

Rand Wilson, one of the group’s organizers, pointed to the cases of the American Federation of Teachers and the International Association of Machinists, the two most prominent unions to have officially thrown in with Clinton. Leaders at both ran roughshod over the endorsement process to deliver for Clinton.

“In both cases their Facebook pages blew up with disgust over these top-down decisions,” Wilson said. “When was the last time people cared this much over who their union endorsed?”

Labor for Bernie is anything but top-down. more

15 Comments on Blowback as labor bosses, not members, back Hillary

  1. The left is imploding, as their leaders continue to skim money off everything as the money dwindles and the workers are beginning to recognize how little is being done on their behalf. Right to Work is the final nail, as union employees will opt out.

  2. The only unions the socialists will allow are those run by the Party – as they did in the USSR, Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, East Germany, Poland (until Walesa’s electricians rebelled with Solidarity), Cuba, Venezuela, &c.

    Gotta be a fuckin moron to stay in a union.

  3. Not sure how it is now, but some years ago, I remember hearing a plumber/pipefitter saying he had to join the union to get work. Seems the Union had a monopoly on the majority of the work in his area.

  4. In DC Plumber’s Local 5 took all the big, gov’t type work and left the rest to the scabs. As long as the gov’t’s throwing money away, the union’s the way to go. The Weathermakers (Insulator’s union) was in cahoots with every contractor (only about 5) at the expense of the members. The Steamfitter’s Local 602 ran the schools and retirement and were less criminal because they were smaller. Most of the retirees might edge by with Socialist Security or death. I don’t think they could retire until 65 – but I’m not sure. None of that 30 years and out like the UAW.

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