Blowout Jobs Report – Best Monthly Gain in Nearly Five Years – IOTW Report

Blowout Jobs Report – Best Monthly Gain in Nearly Five Years

Dan It’s another month, another blowout jobs report, and this one comes to start out the year.

As CNBC reports, the economy kicked off 2020 in grand fashion, adding 291,000 in private payrolls for the best monthly gain since May 2015, according to a report Wednesday from ADP and Moody’s Analytics.

That was well above the 150,000 estimate from economists surveyed by Dow Jones The total also was a sharp gain from the 199,000 in December. read more

11 Comments on Blowout Jobs Report – Best Monthly Gain in Nearly Five Years

  1. It’s really difficult for lots of new jobs to be created and filled, when you have already had 8 years of new job creation. This is Yuge!
    Similarly, new Gallup poll shows an all-time high of 59% of respondents saying they are better off than a year ago – which since a year ago was already awesome is even bigger.

  2. @ TR – me too. Woe-ah. What?

    I need to brush up on my quick reading skills. There should be a grammar composition rule.
    Never ever put the words : “blow” , ” jobs” , and “report” in the same headline. Or sentence.

  3. Was just listening to a program on Detroit’s AM radio station and they were talking about SOTU. Every caller is giving props to the speech and disagreeing with the rebuttal speech given by our idiot governor Cretin Witless. All of a sudden a caller comes on and says the SOTU was nothing but lies and Trump doesn’t compare to Obama. As the caller goes on he talks about how he left Michigan in the 80’s and can’t believe how Michigan has stepped backwards in the time he’s been away. (Caller claimed he was here to take care of his elderly mother.) The host then asks where he was living prior to coming back to assist with his mothers care. Caller answers, “Seattle.”. 😂🤣😆 I have a feeling Detroit’s even better than Seattle. Host called him out on the mess there and how they are having to walk back from their minimum wage debacle. It was priceless.


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