Blue Checkmarks Owned Themselves Kinda Hard – IOTW Report

Blue Checkmarks Owned Themselves Kinda Hard

Lauren Boebert takes several hundred scalps with little effort. šŸ˜‚

9 Comments on Blue Checkmarks Owned Themselves Kinda Hard

  1. I found Ms. Boebert’s joke funny, but I knew it would fail with Democrats because (1) progressives have no sense of humor, and (2) they are generally pretty stupid.

  2. In libtards defense, do you think any of those morons saw the gaffe made by Brandon? Their favorite MSM outlets would never show him doing any wrong. About twice a week I read Allsides news just to get a perspective from their side. All they want to talk about is gun laws, anti-Trump anything and praising Big Tech and Big Pharma. They live in a bubble and are too stupid to look past CNN or MSNBC.

  3. “MSM outlets would never show him doing any wrong.
    Like his falling 3 times on the steps of AF1? That got memory holed faster than Kamala can drop to her knees. Had that been Trump, it would have been on a corporate media 24/7 loop.


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