Blue Collar Logic: 5 Takeaways From The Mueller Hearing – IOTW Report

Blue Collar Logic: 5 Takeaways From The Mueller Hearing

Bad political theater.

9 Comments on Blue Collar Logic: 5 Takeaways From The Mueller Hearing

  1. absolutely correct on the last point … it’s all about the next election … they are terrified about Trump unleased after 2020

    20/20 … will America reach for the best vision to keep America great? … or will it crawl further into the myopia of communism?

    is there anyone … ANYONE? … after Trump that has the intestinal fortitude to grow half the gonads of PDT??? … Step Up!!!
    luv him or hate him, Trump has been delivered to us at the proper moment … recognize & understand it … we have been given this short window

    choice wisely … gird your loins … conquer, or perish

  2. To paraphrase what was said by the Democrats before the testimony: people don’t read books, they watch the movie.
    Before Mueller showed up, they hoped they would get some emotional benefits or gotcha moments that would influence those who hadn’t already decided that Trump is the best, or he is the worst. Unfortunately, all that happened at the hearing was that … well … nothing. Nothing new, no startling new information, just nothing. Politicians grandstanding and making speeches.
    Now for the next chapter – have House committees try to enforce subpoenas to have anyone who are related to, or know, President Trump so the Democrats can berate them and browbeat them in to admitting that DJT isn’t the greatest person ever. News flash, we already knew that, but he gets things done, rather than just speechifying.

  3. All-Star branding expert Donny “Douchebag” Deutsch on msNBC just declared actual WAR on President Trump.

    Eugene Robinson of WaPoo responded with “Uhm uhm ah uhm”

    Shit ya nots

    catch the 8 repeat if its not censored out.
    but it is recorded for the record if they doo 2

  4. Other than the hearing theatrics we have nothing. Washington’s criminals continue unabated.
    Elijah Cummings and his wife have skated away from any legal accounting.
    The Somali mutt who committed fraud on immigration laws skates.
    Hillary and Bill are enjoying their money without a hint of concern.
    The list is extensive and depressing.
    Thus far those of us that want justice for the wrongs committed have nothing but vague references to ongoing investigations.
    Those that have clearly violated laws don’t show a hint of concern about facing any accountability.
    This must be how they felt at the Alamo.

  5. gin blossom, “This must be how they felt at the Alamo.”

    I know exactly what you mean. The quote, “Justice delayed is justice denied” has been used by me and many on the right over the last decade. We keep getting our hopes up to be dashed (usually by an unconstitutional ruling by a leftist judge) or just fade away because of inaction.

    I try to maintain a positive attitude and not be discouraged, but it’s becoming tedious. When I feel like giving up, I sigh and remind myself that there is always a reason to hope. Sometimes it’s a struggle to find that reason, but I do. Sometimes it’s just waking up to a beautiful day, or someone held a door open for me. I find that my little world is ok for now, and that keeps me sane.

  6. Gin and Claudia…ditto here…I turn on the TV in the a.m. to see if there is any “good” news. 99.9% of the time it’s “Trump did this horrible thing.” The best best news in a long time is Barr re-instating the death penalty. (At least until an obama judge strikes it down. Probably before I get done typing this.)


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