Blue-Dog Dems Get Antsy As House Progs Push The Green New Deal – IOTW Report

Blue-Dog Dems Get Antsy As House Progs Push The Green New Deal

DC: Blue-dog Democratic lawmakers are wincing as the leaders of their party continue adopting measures that some believe could be perceived as anti-business in states dominated by Republicans.

Democrats are haggling over how far to push climate change policies at a time when President Donald Trump is dominating American politics. Liberals are wanting to push the envelope, but moderate Democrats are blanching.

Democratic Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas, who co-chairs the centrist Blue Dog Coalition, told reporters that he will talk with Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone, a New Jersey Democrat, about the direction and scale of climate legislation.

Cuellar’s concerns come after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday a new panel to address climate change.

“We must … face the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis,” Pelosi, a California Democrat, said in her opening address to Congress. “The entire Congress must work to put an end to the inaction and denial of science that threaten the planet and the future.”

The new panel is called the “Select Committee on the Climate Crisis” and focuses on ending fossil fuels. Cuellar is objecting. “We’ve got to find a way that we can accommodate our goals and not be seen as anti-business,” he said. “A lot of the oil-and-gas state folks feel the same way.”

Meanwhile, many of the progressives leading the charge were dismayed that the panel’s final structure did not require Democratic members to swear off campaign contributions from fossil fuel companies. They are also upset that the committee is in a purely advisory role.  more here

8 Comments on Blue-Dog Dems Get Antsy As House Progs Push The Green New Deal

  1. I wonder how many of these blue-dog democrats there are and if they’re enough to tip legislation then have them caucus with the Republicans. The voters who elected them can see just how hard left the Dems have turned and would likely welcome what they would see as a brake on both parties. This could spell the end of the left, antifa, global warming/cooling/change/bad science/lgbtqrfetc/BLM/CAIR coalition that has destroyed the Democrat Party starting back with LBJ but cycling up under Clinton and Obama.

  2. Blue-dog Democratic lawmakers are wincing as the leaders of their party continue adopting measures that some believe could be perceived as anti-business in states dominated by Republicans.

    Awww. Too bad. So sad.

    Hey! Here’s a suggestion: If the Shiny, New, Same as It Ever Is Deal, is bad for your re-election chances, maybe you should switch parties? Which will be worse, running as an incumbent of the fake opposition? Or running as an incumbent of the fake resistance? Where you actually need to harvest votes?

  3. “The name ‘Blue Dog’ originates from the long-time tradition of referring to a strong Democratic Party supporter as being a ‘Yellow Dog Democrat,’ who would, ‘vote for a yellow dog if it was listed on the ballot as a Democrat.’ Leading up to the 1994 election the founding members of the Blue Dogs felt that they had been ‘choked blue’ “

  4. Here’s a tip for the Blue Dog Democrats – the progressives in your party don’t give a rat’s ass about you or your constituents. You folks are serfs, and you had better do what your told by your masters. If that means you freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, and starve all year round, then so be it.

    The progressives claim that socialism hasn’t worked in the past because it wasn’t implemented correctly; and now those same progressives are trying to implement that very same historical socialism as incorrectly as it has always been. That’s what happens when the ignorant and corrupt control things.

  5. The method used to implement socialism really doesn’t matter. It’s like injecting poison vs. swallowing it. Socialism is still lethal.
    Inept Blue Dog Democrats are caught between a rock and a hard place with socialist wolves and their Deep State enablers.
    Their best chance of survival is to support President Trump. It’s popcorn time.


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