Blumenthal tests positive for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Blumenthal tests positive for COVID-19

All together now:
“I’m not experiencing symptoms & am thankful to be fully vaccinated & boosted.”

20 Comments on Blumenthal tests positive for COVID-19

  1. am thankful to be fully vaccinated & boosted

    Not nearly as thankful as the rest of us.

    Not boosted enough, though.

    We’d be even more grateful for more boosting.

  2. Well, now that they’re all jabbed up, this will be a monthly thing with them. Soon, it won’t be reported that anyone has the covid – only when they die mysteriously will it be reported. As usual, deaths quickly get removed from heqadlines, and no more investigating why the person “dropped dead.” The booster is ready to go – get those sleeves rolled up for ROUND 4! Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone were right when they said that heart problems and deaths as a result of the jab would happen. It’s an ongoing thing. Next big thing we’ll be seeing (if the prediction is correct), is HIV/AIDS showing up this Fall (3 months away).

    Millions get AIDS from Vax by Fall – Dr. Elizabeth Eads

  3. This shit bag also tested positive for Traitor. Remember though the real reason this pond scum is in the Senate is because the voters of the hell hole state of Connecticut put him there. Blame the commie death democrats who voted him into the Senate.


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