Bob Schieffer: Journalists may not have been ‘skeptical enough’ of Obama – IOTW Report

Bob Schieffer: Journalists may not have been ‘skeptical enough’ of Obama


As he bid farewell to his career as CBS News’ host of Face the Nation, Bob Schieffer admitted that he and his fellow journalists may have been too easy on Barack Obama when he entered the limelight as a 2008 presidential candidate.

“I think the whole political world was struck by this fellow who sort of came out of nowhere with this very unusual name,” Schieffer told Fox News’ Howard Kurtz in an interview that aired Sunday. “And, when he won out in Iowa, I think people sat up and took notice.”

When Kurtz wondered whether it was the journalists’  job to express skepticism even of the “young phenom” that was then-Sen. Obama, Schieffer confessed, “Maybe we were not skeptical enough.”


30 Comments on Bob Schieffer: Journalists may not have been ‘skeptical enough’ of Obama

  1. very unusual name

    Hussein. That sure is unusual, the whole world never hearnt that one before 2008. Probably.

    Although, I’ve never heard the name Bob Schieffer until he retired, today.

  2. Everyone in the media, just as people anywhere else, have built in biases. Some show it more than others, either in their stories themselves or how they manipulate their take on issues.

    The differences are, in how good they have become in stealthily swaying their audience. They are able to effectively do it literally in seconds through soundbites.

    I blame it on the audience themselves as nobody seems to have the time to engage in seeking the truth. The networks change to make more money, but also by giving the audience what they seek. They give 15-30 seconds of information so the audience can feel confident in talking with colleagues and friends.

    Most people don’t understand how manipulated they really are by most media sources. Personally, I liked Bob Scheiffer, but understood he was not going to be my only source of information.

    I wish him well in his retirement.

  3. don’t think anything has changed with his “admission”.
    scheiffer would do it again for obama in a minute.
    just like they are doing it for hillary.
    fellow travelers on the same road.
    doesn’t really matter.
    our congress has been bought by the central bankers.
    “he who pays the piper calls the tune”
    what gets me is how all us smart people keep playing the bankers rigged game?

  4. scheiffer would do it again for obama in a minute.
    just like they are doing it for hillary

    So why didn’t one of the panelists ask that very question?

    “So, Mr. Schieffer. Do you and your fellow travelers in the press plan on being ‘skeptical’ of Hillary Clinton, or will you be giving her a pass too?”

    “Oh, all the news about Hillary is old news. Nothing new to cover.”

    “Exactly!  Thank you for that admission and confession.”

  5. Schieffer is an egotistical, lying leftist propagandist who still thinks the “mainstream media’s” job is to decide what is news. The old hack is still a die hard leftist, and he and his ilk have harmed the nation greatly. He has no honor or integrity, so that means he’s worthless. When he dies, the world will be a better place.

  6. This biased and miserable excuse for a journalist is just trying to cover his ass and his reputation as he picks up his final check and heads out the door. When (hopefully) the truth about Obama starts to come out in the MSM (there are leaks in the dike) he wants to be able to say to his pals that he knew and admitted to going a little easy on Obama so he (Scheiffer) is really an honest man. He’s had 6 long years of Obama to do some actual investigative reporting and he failed to even try. Screw him.

  7. As he walks out the door, he tries to “come clean” and save his legacy, such as it exists. News Flash, Bobby! Had YOU gone hard on Barack Hussein Obama (mmm… mmm… mmm…), you’d have been fondly remembered as an “old school journalist” by most of us here in fly-over country, but what the hell. Right? Alienating yourself by calling B.S. on Teh Chose Won would’ve earned you the rancor and enmity of the Upper East Side Croissants and Frogwater Crowd®, whose love, adulation and phoney-assed high-brow dinner parties you crave.

    No. You cannot have it both ways. You don’t get to Mea Culpa as you slide out the door into some sort of dignified, elder-statesman retirement. May history show that you and the rest of the so-called Media – the New York-centric Media – groped and fawned your way past the sins, shortcomings and invisible record of the Worst President in American History.

    Don’t let the door hit you in your well-fed ass as you leave.


  8. It honestly amazes me that nobody (and I mean NOBODY) in the news establishment stood up and questioned His Highness. NO one would give up their position to save the country. I guess most were actually in favor. I just don’t get it, just like I don’t get rap…..

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