Body Language Expert Is Brought In To “Read” Paul Ryan After Trump Summit – IOTW Report

Body Language Expert Is Brought In To “Read” Paul Ryan After Trump Summit

Wow. What’s next? Are the networks going to hire phrenologists to read the bumps on Trump’s head?

In this story a body language expert tells everyone that Paul Ryan is lying when he said that he had a very good meeting with Trump and that unification of the party is necessary.

Methinks the expert doesn’t want unification of the party.

How do I know for sure? Because the “expert” runs a clip of Ryan speaking and the expert does an imitation of Ryan to show the viewers how Ryan is being deceptive. The only problem is that the body language he mimics, the movements Ryan was supposed to have made, exist only in this man’s fevered dreams.

Watch for yourself—> HERE.

HT/ Plain Jane

10 Comments on Body Language Expert Is Brought In To “Read” Paul Ryan After Trump Summit

  1. But you just remember, Donald J. Trump, that this is not a reality show. This is serious vetting and stuff going on. Please take a cue from the media and show some respect for the process.

  2. The body language could have another meaning.

    Maybe it was a productive meeting–but Ryan can’t admit to himself that it was.

    Ryan, a true GOPE person, is having a terrible time accepting that Trump is the presumptive GOP nominee. Worse, Ryan is the chair of the 2016 Republican convention, and it’s going to be hell for him to run that sucker if Trump is nominated.

    I think the body language that Khoury attributes to lying is actually indicative of discomfort and desperation.

  3. Trump is a great judge of character and has found Ryan’s weakness. Ryan lost his father in high school. Trump is taking on the role of Ryan’s dad to an unsure son in need of guidance.

    Listen to how Tump refers to Ryan. He could be talking about one of his sons.

    Ryan will be Trump’s most ardent defender. You heard it here first.

  4. It might be fun to see the body language expert’s analysis of any random statement by the Hillary. Just for comparison. There’s be too many dishonesty clues to track them all.

  5. Duh! Ryan lies, all of the time. Business as usual.

    The saddest thing is that deal making involves give and take. Unity of the party is NOT why ‘millions and millions’ have voted for Trump. As he back down or becomes ‘more acceptable’ to the GOPe, he becomes more of what we don’t want: business as usual.

    It is the back and forth stands on policy items that Trump displays, that makes people very suspicious. We’ve been bitten by the political snake way too often not to have our hackles raised very quickly.

    Remember, it isn’t over yet. That is why I suspect Ryan will not publicly endorse yet; doesn’t want to give away the betrayal too soon. Political Gamesmanship.

  6. The differences between GOPe and Mr. Trump are enormous – unbridgeable – perhaps.

    1) Mr. Trump is an American.
    2) Mr. Trump doesn’t need to steal.
    3) Mr. Trump knows that illegal alien invading rat-people have NO intention of shoring up Socialist Security and Medicare.
    4) Mr. Trump doesn’t consider the triumph of izlam as a for-drawn conclusion.
    5) Spk. Ryan has to steal to enrich himself.
    6) Spk. Ryan is of a socialist bent.
    7) Spk. Ryan has NO intention of paying down the $20Trillion debt or stopping (or even slowing) the insanity of deficit spending.
    8) Spk. Ryan has NO incentive to keep his word about ANYTHING.

    Other than that, they’ll get along just fine.

    izlamo delenda est …

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