Body Language: Ohio Rail Car Disaster – IOTW Report

Body Language: Ohio Rail Car Disaster

Body Language Ghost

13 Comments on Body Language: Ohio Rail Car Disaster

  1. I’m smelling a big cover up. Which if it’s what I think it is will be impossible to cover up. If they’re finding dead chickens 17 miles away, and if they’re finding dead cows 4 miles away it awfully hard for me to believe there’s not a substantial human body count.

  2. How does a guy like DeWine get elected in the first place? Talk about an unimpressive presence! And she said his eye contact was good. How could she tell, I thought he was looking two different directions all the time.

  3. DeWeiner has always been a shifty little shit.

    @ joe6pak, them miniature one was elected because his opponent, Nan the Whale, was a screaming nut job leftist who worships Obozo and Pedo Joe.

  4. Have you seen the meme labeled as “America’s Bhopal Disaster?”

    Have to be careful how I word what’s below.

    There was part of a building complex in a “Chemical Plant” that I was never allowed entry into. There were things in there with toxins lethal in parts per million and in some cases billion. One of the nasties was vinyl chloride and after a “small low level accident” where NOBODY DOING ENTRY AND/OR CLEANUP was not wearing the hazmat suits, we had three of the higher ups entered the room not even wearing masks.

    Clarified for me the level of intelligence of management.

    Sometimes the liars might believe their own bullshit, because they’re clueless.

    May I suggest this one will take years to play out the same as the “Jab” will. Although I’m wondering about the high number of amish or self sufficient types who populate the affected zone and how they could also teach others about being self sufficient unless they were no longer around.

    I sure am glad they eliminated “cabooses” and some of the requirements on train crews. Did this thing really run down the road for an hour spewing smoke from a “Hot Box” as we called them before the derailment.

    Well I’ve now run out of tin foil and need to go to the store for more. Also considering becoming a conspiracy therapist Vs. theorist.


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