Bodyguard of anti-gun activist /friend of Obama and Rev. Wright/ Father Pfleger arrested on gun charges – IOTW Report

Bodyguard of anti-gun activist /friend of Obama and Rev. Wright/ Father Pfleger arrested on gun charges

American Thinker:

Call the irony police!  Father Michael Pfleger, the radical left-wing priest, friend of Jeremiah Wright, and mainstay of the hard-left community in Chicago that bequeathed the political rise of Barack Obama to America, has a hypocrisy problem.

Father Pfleger, you see, is a violent anti-gun advocate.  When I use the term “violent,” I mean it.  In 2007, he was rebuked by his bishop (who happened to be a cardinal – Cardinal George of the Chicago Archdiocese) for publicly threatening to “snuff out” a gun store-owner.  That’s right: bring “peace” by snuffing out opponents.  The peace of the dead, I guess.

Well, rules are for other people.  W.J. Kennedy of Chicago City Wire reports:

An armed security guard associated with staunch anti-gun and nationally known social activist, Father Michael Pfleger, was arrested on May 27 outside St. Sabina’s Roman Catholic Church on the South Side where Pfleger is a senior pastor.

The Chicago Police (CPD) charged Henry Eugene Hale, 35, with possessing a firearm without a valid Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) card. He was released on $150 bond. …

Photos posted on Pfleger’s personal Facebook page show Hale accompanying him at numerous rallies.


12 Comments on Bodyguard of anti-gun activist /friend of Obama and Rev. Wright/ Father Pfleger arrested on gun charges

  1. A $150 bond? That’s all!? No wonder there are so many guns floating around in that gun controlled city. What a sick joke. It’s like to old joke about Montana’s speed limit.

  2. This one has been percolating for a while and regarding the bond it is normally 50 – 80K, but then his parish inundated the police district and politicians to try and get it squelched.

    Even Tucker had a short blurb on it although he pronounced his name wrong…

    I swear he has some serious dirt on those above him in the church because he’s been a problem for many years. Normal rotation or dealing with someone like this would have had him removed years ago. Maybe this time the damage control won’t cover him, because this thing seems to be getting legs…

    I could go on forever……th-illegal-gun/


    (Source used tucker clip)

    Lock N Load radio…dy-ep-1380-hr-1



  3. This one has been percolating for a while and regarding the bond it is normally 50 – 80K, but then his parish inundated the police district and politicians to try and get it squelched.

    Even Tucker had a short blurb on it although he pronounced his name wrong…

    I swear he has some serious dirt on those above him in the church because he’s been a problem for many years. Normal rotation or dealing with someone like this would have had him removed years ago. Maybe this time the damage control won’t cover him, because this thing seems to be getting legs…

    I could go on forever……th-illegal-gun/


    (Source used tucker clip)

  4. Hypocrisy is the foundational philosophy of ALL socialist/totalitarians.

    If it weren’t for hypocrisy, they’d have nothing.
    Clinton (choose)
    The “Funny Hat” Woman

    Think about it – they all want their armed goons to dis-arm YOU!
    That town in Illinois that’s “confiscating” weapons – you think they can do that without arms? Psssst – try it.

    “… woe to the party which should be first disarmed!”
    (“The History of the Thirty Years’ War,” Schiller)
    Thus, even in the 1600s people were aware of this.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. LOLOLOL!!!
    Now to top it off we just need people at every meeting he ever does trolling him and heckling him about his hypocrisy and elitism.
    I hope Fox plasters his face all over the network for the rest of the week.

  6. Okay, I’ll try one more time. Replied with NUMEROUS links to this one as the story is getting legs. Sent something on this to Mr. Big a few days ago, but did not rise to the top for posting here until now. I’ll try posting this time with only one link to the Tucker Carlson one.

    Believe that this guy has some serious shit on his “higher ups” as he’s been a problem for the arch diocese for a long time. Normally someone like this would have been rotated out or disciplined, but doesn’t happen to him and the bail on something like this I believe is normally 50 to 80K without his “parish and friends” calling all the politicians and police district to get this squelched.

    With apologies if my reply before this one shows up…

    Yep my reply is above without all the links and this is my edit

  7. “That’s right: bring “peace” by snuffing out opponents. The peace of the dead, I guess.”

    Peace? More like total ‘submission’. submission = islam
    Taqqiya translates their word islam to peace. But you must submit to their wishes or you’ll be dead. Some peace.

    obola, his preachers, and their ‘church’ are not at all what they pretend to be. They hate America, they hate Western Civilization, they romanticize that regressive, satanic cult. They are muslims. QED.

  8. “Also like Hollywood hypocrites who push for gun control for the little people, Pfleger has advocated violence to achieve his goals. Here’s a transcript of the clergyman from an earlier rally at Chuck’s Guns, courtesy of Fox News.

    He’s the owner of Chuck’s, John Riggio, R-i-g-g-i-o. We’re going to find you and snuff you out. You can’t keep hiding because you’re afraid. Obviously, you know you’re doing something wrong. You wouldn’t have your business in a truck. You wouldn’t have a truck pulled in front of your door, because you know you’ve got to hide. Like a rat, you’re going to hide, but like a rat we’re going to catch you and pull you out. We are not going to allow you to continue to hide when we’re here.

    That’s right, a man of the cloth talking about “snuffing out” a law-abiding business owner.

    So there you have it. One of America’s biggest voices for gun control has an armed bodyguard arrested for carrying a gun without a license. Is anyone really surprised?” .


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