Boebert defends her divorce, dismisses rumors husband set his dogs on process server – IOTW Report

Boebert defends her divorce, dismisses rumors husband set his dogs on process server

BPR: Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) announced on Tuesday that she has filed for divorce from her husband of 18 years but she is fiercely defending him as the media claims that he threw a tantrum and reportedly set his dogs on the process server presenting him with the papers.

“It is with a heavy weight on my heart that I have filed for divorce from my husband. I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children, all of whom deserve privacy and love as we work through this process,” Boebert said in a statement to the New York Post.

“I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage, which makes this announcement that much more difficult. This is truly about irreconcilable differences,” she stated.

The couple has four sons. Boebert’s time in Congress has not been an easy road for the family thanks to constant vicious attacks by the left.

The initial filing included a request by Boebert that she be granted child support and given parental decision-making power for their children, who were listed as sharing an address with her, according to the Colorado Sun.

“I have always spoken highly of my marriage. I believe in marriage. I believe in the power our words hold,” Boebert stated in a lengthy tweet on Wednesday.

“Jayson, a man I spent half of my life with, did not sign up to be in the public limelight, and he certainly did not agree to be falsely accused of things he didn’t do. The stories reported about the process server, and even Jayson running over a mailbox are a complete lie,” she asserted. MORE

11 Comments on Boebert defends her divorce, dismisses rumors husband set his dogs on process server

  1. I don’t think we should be laying any blame here against anyone. The dude could have married the bar girl. And maybe he did, but she ended up being the Bar Owner. Strapped with a G19. They tried to close her down and she said Fuck You. Runs and wins office. Stomps right past Pelosi’s metal detectors with a pistol. They tried to submarine her reelection. She still came out on top. She’s a driven woman. I couldn’t imagine being married to her and leaving the toilet seat up. The ultimate feminists right? Not according to the left. She’s an uneducated rube. The left would rather celebrate the feminists with dicks.
    By every indication they are both great parents. And this is none of our business.

  2. Well, at least we now know the answer to that question “Who let the Dogs out?” Congresswoman Boebert was redistricted to include several solidly Dementiacrat Counties so that she could be beaten by an Aspenite. Boebert would have won handily if the political deck hadn’t be stacked against her in the last election, and millions of dollars are already flowing into the the campaign coffers for the Aspinite’s next attempt to unseat her. Lauren Boebert’s personal life might be a bit messy right now, but her likely opponent has some problems in this department as well.

  3. Most decisions pale in comparison to the decision to marry. If you’ve failed that one, then every other decision you’ve made or are about to make becomes more suspect. No, her divorce is not my business. Yet if she has a habit of making poor or rash decisions and that comes into play with passing laws that affect me, then that certainly is my business. I don’t know her voting record, but I’m sure it isn’t pristine, which could be foreshadowing the start of her erosion for all I know. I refuse to surrender all trust to any politician, regardless how adorable they are.


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