Boehner’s Ten Worst Moments as Speaker – IOTW Report

Boehner’s Ten Worst Moments as Speaker

I’m sure our readers can point out more.



UPDATE – July 28, 2015 – In the last six months, John Boehner has added substantially to his list of sins. Since we last checked in he has:

  • Removed Reps. Daniel Webster and Richard Nugent from their positions on the Rules Committee as punishment for voting against him for Speaker.
  • Stripped Rep. Mark Meadows of his chairmanship of the Government and Operations subcommittee, because Meadows voted against leadership on the Trade Promotion Authority rule. Meadows was later reinstated following a public outcry.
  • Threatened to remove Rep. Ken Buck’s title as president of the freshman GOP class.

It’s clear that the last six months have done nothing to make Boehner see the error of his ways.



10 Comments on Boehner’s Ten Worst Moments as Speaker

  1. Well, OUR worst moment was when they stopped Michael Robert Hoyt:

    FBI says John Boehner’s West Chester bartender planned to poison him: Man said he was Jesus, Boehner was the devil

  2. How the hell did we get such steaming piles in both the house and the senate? In addition to the presidency? It took a lot of hard work, burning the candle at both ends, and going the extra mile to accumulate this crap. Whenever these POS have a chance to do good or extend a hand, they extend a finger instead.

  3. If he can’t be defeated in the primary next year, the good republicans in his district need to vote (D) for the good of the country. Maybe a (D) opponent in the general election will figure out how to harness the disappointment.

    Is the bacon worth the distruction of the country good people of his district?

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