Boeing 787 Dreamliner & 777 Whistleblower Investigation: What The Senate Subcommittee Expects Next Week – IOTW Report

Boeing 787 Dreamliner & 777 Whistleblower Investigation: What The Senate Subcommittee Expects Next Week

Simple Flying: Richard Blumenthal, the Chairman of the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and Ranking Member Ron Johnson, announced that they would be conducting an inquiry into Boeing. The subcommittee will look into a whistleblower’s allegations about the safety of the manufacturer’s aircraft.

According to a joint statement by Blumenthal and Johnson on April 9, the subcommittee recently obtained information directly from a Boeing whistleblower who alleged alarming and dangerous manufacturing deficiencies at the plane maker. more here

4 Comments on Boeing 787 Dreamliner & 777 Whistleblower Investigation: What The Senate Subcommittee Expects Next Week

  1. Sad & Criminal what happened to Boeing.

    If I flew I would actively Avoid ALL of their planes in this current environment.

    But lets be honest, this is the Build Back Better effect.

  2. As a kid I flew in Cessna’s and a Beechcraft Bonanza quite often.
    Upon returning from my bad idea of moving to California I flew in a 707 and we hit bad turbulence over the Rockies. Looking out the window and watching the wings flapping like a bird I was somewhat unsettled and that ended my commercial flight aspirations. l knew they were designed to do that but I didn’t like it. I’ll stick to the little guys where the whole plane moves about.

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