American Thinker/ Andrea Widburg:
We already know that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, AKA BoJo, is promising British citizens a hard Brexit in 2020. That’s the primary wish he’ll fulfill for voters anxious to return to a sovereign Britain, one that’s no longer a vassal of the micromanaging European Union.
But there’s another dream dear to the hearts of well over 50% of British citizens. They want relief from the £154.50 ($202.14) they’re required to pay the British government annually for the privilege of owning a television set.
The fee is used to pay for the BBC, a station that has lost all of its former cachet, whether as a purveyor of highbrow fare to the masses or as the innovative station that introduced the world to Monty Python. The BBC is now just a reliable outlet for hard-left worldviews on every subject.
According to a YouGov poll, only 27% of people in Britain want to maintain the status quo. The largest number — 50% — want the BBC to compete in the free market like everyone else, either via advertising or subscriptions (à la Netflix or Hulu subscriptions). A mere 7% are open to the possibility of a general tax, rather than a fee; 2% had ideas too offbeat to mention; and a surprising 14% neither know nor care. (The last mentioned group probably gets all its news from the internet.)
British discontent with having to pay a hefty fee for the “privilege” of watching television is nothing new. Already in 2015, the Telegraph, a conservative-leaning paper, published a short video explaining to the Brits, and everyone else, just how far-reaching the demand for a license is, as well as the limited options available for avoiding that license: MORE HERE
But. But! Where will PBS get pedo-tranny Dr. What?
Maybe when the Conservatives find a candidate to bury Trudeau they can have a drink with Boris and talk about how to sell off the CBC.
In 2009 we were in the UK. I saw a “comedy” show on the Beeb that would have made Hee Haw seem high-brow.
Here in the Great White North, not only are tax dollars supporting the CBC, but they have commercials as well. One show that Mrs. RadioMattM likes to watch we know for a fact is cut up for more commercial time even though it is being run for the first time here. Also, it is a state secret as to how much the big names in the Justin Trudeau PR department (CBC “News”) are paid — even though they are tax payer subsidized.
What kind of hard exit is required to remove CNN from our 24/7 nightmares in airports?
Our PBS is hardly any better. National Socialist Radio. Where Liberals go to confirm every bad thing they ever heard about America, Capitalism, Trump, and the deplorable people who elected the Great Usurper.
“What kind of hard exit is required to remove CNN from our 24/7 nightmares in airports?”
Next time you fly, inform the airline of your choosing you won’t fly them if they play cnn commie shit in the terminal.
@SCR and @RadioMatt
Congrats to your boys for winning the World Jr. Championship today with a stunning come-from behind 3-1 down to beat Russia. Nice victory. I didn’t have access to watch it but I kept up on the score. The US guys did well, but unfortunately ran into a hot Finland team.
I doubt if the airlines can do anything about it. The complaints should go to the airport management. The complaints might do some good if they go to the right people. That supposes the airport management has a way to accept complaints.
I think I’ll try that.
I have to say that I am currently enjoying Poldark, for which hat tip to Dianny.
But like everything I think BBC should be supported by contributions rather than taxes.
gotta understand … railing about CNN being in airports is just how capitalism works. CNN pays the airports to run their channel. no one bothers to out-bid them … they pay 100k in 58 airports, btw
frankly, I don’t think any entity controlled by the US government (FAA) should run anything that has any political slant …. including PBS. they should just run stuff like those house fixer-upper shows, or some animal shows from National Geographic
back to the thread … go for it, BoJo!