Bolsonaro Campaign Urges Importing Second Amendment Rights to Brazil – IOTW Report

Bolsonaro Campaign Urges Importing Second Amendment Rights to Brazil

Breitbart: The son of Brazilian presidential frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro gave an interview with the newspaper O Globo on Monday where he discussed the possibility of expanding nationwide gun rights in a similar way to the United States.

Flávio Bolsonaro, who is a state representative for his father’s Social Liberal Party and adviser for his father’s campaign, said he supported the repeal of Brazil’s Disarmament Statute that prohibits people from owning firearms.

“I support the repeal of the Disarmament Statute so that people have the right to have at least one weapon at home,” he said. “It will have criteria: the person must not have a criminal background, must have a fixed residence, know how to handle a weapon and have the psychological conditions for it.”

When asked whether the circulation of more weapons makes it easier for criminals to access them, Flávio described this argument as a “fallacy.”

“More weapons in the hands of good people, besides guaranteeing the right to life and the defense of their property, has a reflection on public safety,” he said. “Today the marginal man does what he does because he has the conviction that he will not find resistance in the street.”  more

5 Comments on Bolsonaro Campaign Urges Importing Second Amendment Rights to Brazil

  1. The problem is that the Brazilian government wants to decide WHO gets to own (one) firearm. It won’t truly be a “Right to Bear Arms” acknowledgment, such as our 2nd Amendment. Government cannot take away, that which they did not issue. A Brazilian right to bear arms could be rescinded in a snap!


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