Bolsonaro looking like a winner in Brazil – IOTW Report

Bolsonaro looking like a winner in Brazil

American Thinker: You can’t make this up.  A candidate for president is stabbed and nearly bleeds to death waiting for the ambulance.  He recovers and almost wins in the first round from a hospital bed.  His campaign is about killing criminals, putting troops on the border, and privatizing state enterprises.

We are talking about Jair Bolsonaro, who looks more and more like the next president of Brazil.

His latest remarks are rather amazing, but it’s the Bolsonaro we’ve grown accustomed to-


4 Comments on Bolsonaro looking like a winner in Brazil

  1. “I have spoken to several Brazilians in our area. One of them said this is the Brazilian Trump, the man who is going to shake things up. Another admits that Bolsonaro often speaks too sharply, but this Brazilian is voting to save the country from corruption and crony capitalism. ”

    Good. More power to him.

  2. Maybe if all the “just seeking a better life” transplants had stayed home in their own banana belt countries and voted the bums out, they too could have a Constitutional republic.
    But then, look where ours is…


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