Bolton: Colorado Disqualification Decision ‘Incoherent,’ SCOTUS ‘Will Reverse’ – IOTW Report

Bolton: Colorado Disqualification Decision ‘Incoherent,’ SCOTUS ‘Will Reverse’

Breitbart: Former National Security Adviser John Bolton said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Source” that the Colorado Supreme Court decision disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 ballot was “incoherent,” and he predicted it will be overturned.

19 Comments on Bolton: Colorado Disqualification Decision ‘Incoherent,’ SCOTUS ‘Will Reverse’

  1. Thread Hijack — This comment is about a different SCOTUS matter.

    I just read the first part of the SCOTUS response to Jack Smith’s petition for a rapid Supreme Court review. I don’t recall ever reading as brutal a SCOTUS takedown of anyone as this response is to Special Counsel Smith.

    Here are three examples. All emphasis is mine.

    …the Special Counsel identifies no compelling reason for the extraordinary haste he proposes. Instead, he vaguely asserts that the “public interest” favors resolution on a dramatically accelerated timetable, to ensure that President Trump may be brought to trial in the next few months. In doing so, he confuses the “public interest” with the manifest partisan interest in ensuring that President Trump will be subjected to a months-long criminal trial at the height of a presidential campaign where he is the leading candidate and the only serious opponent of the current Administration. The combination of an almost three-year wait to bring this case and the Special Counsel’s current demand for extraordinary expedition, supported by the vaguest of justifications, creates a compelling inference of partisan motivation.

    …the district court’s ruling below was issued nine days after the close of briefing, due to the Special Counsel’s insistence on speedy resolution. The result was a hasty analysis of complex issues that overlooks binding authority and commits manifold errors — thus illustrating the hazards of rushed consideration of these questions.

    The Special Counsel’s bare, political desire to have an earlier potential trial date does not place this case “in a special category when it comes to this Court’s review of appeals brought by winners.” The Special Counsel ignores this issue in his jurisdictional statement — an omission that illustrates the hazards of expedited briefing.

    Note that the above comes from the introductory part of the response. I haven’t even gotten into the point-by-point dissection of the meat of the case.

  2. Back to Hi Jack Numero uno.

    Jack ass Smith has just added lawyers from the Mueller investigation to his efforts. The gloves are off, it’s stop Trump from hanging us all at any cost. This is only going to get worse and more illegal. I hope to God DJT has some security other than the not so Secret Service. They are panicking.

  3. These Deep State evildoers are just throwing crap against the wall of the U.S. Constitution.
    They are hoping the grandstanding will gaslight voters into believing the Constitution doesn’t matter and can be ignored. BTW, Packing the Supreme Court would insure it – an ongoing strategy.

    Attempting to deny the right of voters to choose their candidates, is a fakeout to see what they, the global elite socialist can get away with.
    Great analysis of this fraudulent, unconstitutional move to remove Pres. Trump from Colorado 2024 ballot or any ballot;
    And update;
    Don’t trust the Supreme Court leftists to rule in Mr. Trump’s favor in this matter. It will be close. Don’t see a 9-0 decision, but a miracle can happen.

  4. The communists orchestrating the side lining of President Trump put up three disposable intellectual light weights; Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, and Fani Willis. When justice prevails they will be destroyed. They have no idea the democrats used them as sacrificial lambs.

  5. All of the RINOs and Nevertrumpers are bleating about Colorado’s undemocratic, totalitarian decision. But they’re not complaining about the nature of the decision; they’re only worried that it will help Trump. Sorry, A-holes, you helped to create and legitimize this monster, and now it’s off the chain. Better run to California, I hear the monster is running amok there now.


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