Bolton Will Reportedly ‘Clean House’ At National Security Council – IOTW Report

Bolton Will Reportedly ‘Clean House’ At National Security Council

DC: President Donald Trump’s newly appointed national security adviser, John Bolton, reportedly plans to “clean house” at the National Security Council.

Sources told Foreign Policy that Bolton’s planned purge will start with Obama administration holdovers and eventually broaden to include leakers and those disloyal to the president.

“Bolton can and will clean house,” a former White House official told Foreign Policy.

Another official issued a warning to former Obama officials — “Everyone who was there during Obama years should start packing their shit.”

But the purge reportedly won’t stop with former Obama appointees. A source told Foreign Policy that Bolton intends to “remove almost all the political [appointees] McMaster brought in.”  read more

20 Comments on Bolton Will Reportedly ‘Clean House’ At National Security Council

  1. You know, the CONSTITUTION PARTY has members, and lawyers, and actual Constitutionalists.

    Whenever I see names recycled, I always wonder why the Republicans don’t just dip into the Libertarian and Constitutional Party for purists. . .

    I think we know the answer to that.

  2. The biggest issue with government is the bureaucrats not elected. Establishment never purges their own. Go take out McMaster and Obama’s spawn. Advertise it daily – have a board of who is gone. About time!

  3. “…Bolton’s planned purge will start with Obama administration holdovers and eventually broaden to include leakers and those disloyal to the president.”

    Over 14 months in and all those people have been in place doing their nasty anti-America thing.




    Excuse me I sit here not being impressed by this yet. Why should I believe this now? Serious question.

  4. “Everyone who was there during Obama years should start packing their shit.” Best line of the week. (almost gave me a woody)

    that mustached reminds me of “i am the walrus, coo coo kachoo”.

  5. I’m not thrilled with Neocon Bolton, but as long as he keeps his saber rattling inside the DC beltway and takes out the enemies within I’m cool with that.

  6. 99th Squad Leader
    MARCH 22, 2018 AT 10:37 PM

    “Excellent choice. Bolton might also be a Trump admin. bloodhound and help Pres. Trump identify swamp critters trying to fake loyalty and leaking info. All the while, Bolton will be putting the fear of God in the hearts of our international enemies.”

    Trump needs to really trust this guy. Omly hick up, Bolton can be over zealous sometimes. Hope he respects Trump’s presidency.

  7. @ Dad: Thinking of the disappointment with Gowdy, I understand. But lets give him a few months to see if there’s more than talk there. Mrs. Enraged and I think there just might be. Hoping so, anyway, no matter how thin that ol’ hope gruel can be.,


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