Bombadan and other stuff happening with ‘the religion of peace’ – IOTW Report

Bombadan and other stuff happening with ‘the religion of peace’

You can keep tabs on Islam’s holy month at Breitbart:

Welcome to Breitbart News’ running tally of worldwide jihadist terrorist attacks during Ramadan 2017. Check back for updates through the end of the Islamic holy month on June 24.

…The estimated 815 deaths and 870 injuries across about 15 countries during the first 12 days of this year’s holy Muslim month of Ramadan have already marked the bloodiest Ramadan in recent years for adherents of Islam.

Wow. That beats Chicago’s record by a mile and a half.

And back here at home we see:

Imam at Virginia Mosque: ‘Partial’ FGM Helps Prevent ‘Hyper-Sexuality’ in Women.

An imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, has reportedly stated in a video posted to the mosque’s YouTube account that he believes Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) prevents “hyper-sexuality” in women and endorsed the cutting of a woman’s clitoris in order to prevent her from experiencing the urge to engage and act upon her sexual desires.

The video has since been removed. You know, like a clitoris.

And then some muslims lost their heads over this one-

Muslim Groups Unhappy With Indianapolis ‘Perfect Man’ Billboard.

…The billboard then lists six bullet points about Mohammed to describe him. The points include: “Married a 6-year-old,” “Slave owner & dealer,” “rapist,” “Beheaded 600 Jews in one day,” “13 wives, 11 at one time” and “Tortured & killed unbelievers.”

Ouch! Well, if you don’t like it, change your religion. Ohhh that’s right, you’ll get killed if you do that.

Meanwhile at Gitmo, life can be such a drag-

Gitmo Doctor Would ‘Consider’ Gender Transition Surgery for Jihadi Prisoners.

A newly posted United States Navy doctor who serves as the senior medical officer at the American military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, said the detention center might offer U.S.-taxpayer-funded gender transition assistance.

I seriously doubt anyone in this administration would allow that to happen, but it never hurts to put on a pretty face and ask.

And last, but not least, three wicked bitches of Wanstead attacked a nursery school manager in Londonistan-

‘Allah Will Get You’: London Nursery Worker Attacked with Blade.

Counter Terrorism Police have been alerted after three women, alleged shouting “Allah will get you” and quoting the Quran, stabbed a nursery school worker in North London.

Why are these people complaining? The mayor said they should be used to terrorism by now!

See?  He’s fine with it.

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