Bombing the crap out of ISIS – IOTW Report

Bombing the crap out of ISIS

DC: The U.S. military is obliterating Islamic State fighters that get too far away from their bus convoy to relieve themselves.

Army Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve, the anti-ISIS mission, told Foreign Policy that the U.S. is targeting ISIS fighters one by one as they try to run away or go to the bathroom, with the latest strikes occurring Tuesday evening.

“Whether it’s to evade by foot or to relieve themselves, if they make it far enough out there for us to strike, then we will,” Dillon said.  More

24 Comments on Bombing the crap out of ISIS

  1. So why the hell is this Col. Ryan Dillon telling everyone about this policy? I thought that the Trump doctrine was to keep military tactics secret. And anyway, why don’t they simply bomb the crap out of the convoy and be done with it?

  2. Obviously the ISIS dummies haven’t figured out that the U.S. doesn’t want to target wimmen and chirruns, so all they have to do is take their wife with them when they go out to do number two. The only drawback is that it must be easily recognizable the it’s their wife.

    Do you know how hard it is to get a wedding ring on a goat’s hoof?


  3. “Bombing the crap out of ISIS”

    This has got to be costing a fortune. Why not drop some snipers around the buses? I’ve been following this for a while and they have drones circling these buses 24/7. Every bomb the drop or missile they fire is probably a minimum of 100K.

  4. I agree with Corona. Why pick them off one by one?
    Hit the damned bus. Women birth more terrorists and children are in training to become terrorists. Kill the goats and chickens too. They’re just just food and recreation for terrorists.

  5. Not to burst your bubble, but there are DOZENS of ISIS-like tribes out there. Is HAMAS next? They are no better than ISIS. Hezbolla? Al Qaida again?

    It will never end, there are 1.3 billion of those people.

  6. The only way to beat these savages (all 1.3 billion) is economically. Just stop buying their oil. They will degenerate and kill each other off down to a manageable level, just like they did for hundreds of years before we found oil under their sand.

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