Bombshells Undercut The ‘Big Lie:’ 21 Confirmed Illegalities, Irregularities From 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Bombshells Undercut The ‘Big Lie:’ 21 Confirmed Illegalities, Irregularities From 2020 Election

There are now nearly two dozen credible confirmations of wrongdoing, irregularities and illegalities that undercut the claims of bureaucrats, journalists and Democrats that the November 2020 general election was flawless.

12 Comments on Bombshells Undercut The ‘Big Lie:’ 21 Confirmed Illegalities, Irregularities From 2020 Election

  1. As a nation; what we tolerate, we get.

    We have tolerated liars, traitors, twatwaffles, weasels, corrupt-o-crats, thieves, shitpickles, ass-muppets, and perverts to hold our highest offices (both elected and appointed) and Benches for decades – multiple decades – and now that this particular fraud is exposed – what? Shrug our shoulders?

    “… cough and change the subject and say “looks like it might snow some” …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Stolen elections have consequences and now we all get to witness it firsthand.
    The question is, has the general public learned anything yet? How many are still “head up the ass stupid”?

  3. Keep cry’n wolf, outlandish claims, take away freedom, no wonder nobody believes in he republican party anymore. Lie cheat & steal thas their best qualities.

  4. But, but, the AP says there was nothing wrong with WI drop boxes. On this morning’s local news.
    Apparently, nobody at the AP has heard of the WI Supreme Court.


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