Bon Appétit! – IOTW Report

Bon Appétit!

6 points!
I’ve only had six of those on the list. I didn’t even know what some of the others were, so I looked them up.
I now have an interest in the Muffulettas and Beignets.

57 Comments on Bon Appétit!

  1. I have had
    Rice and Beans
    Fried Chicken
    BBQ Shrimp
    Fried Catfish
    Soft shell Crab
    Bread Pudding

    But never been to N.O.

    What, no shrimp creole??? Andeole(sp) sausage?

  2. 16!….I had my second knee surgery in Nawlins and I begged the interns to bring me some beignets from cafe du monde, but they didn’t….I did get to live through hurricane Danny on the 6th floor of the LSU medical center, but that’s not on your list!….

  3. 22! I’ve never had Turtle Soup, but I guess I’m game, next time I’m in NO.

    FWIW, I’m no fan of Oysters — too chewy, and my libido is just fine, thank you.

  4. Had then all except Snoballs (unless they are talking about the Hostess thing with the strectchy coconut covering a cupcake. Had plenty of them.), Boudin, Shrimp Remoulade and Frog Legs.

  5. 23, and a lot more than once for everything.

    But I lived in Louisiana from age 10 til graduating from LSU so I probably have an unfair advantage in this one.

  6. First time I’ve scored 100% on a test in years. It’s to bad New Orleans is such a dirty place, I like the hell out of their food. I was involved in a job for a couple years and became friends with a few of the locals, good times.

  7. Froglegs- had’em once in Arkansas. Once. “Tastes like chicken!” My ass. Tasted helluva lot like frog. No thanks. Kings cake? Now you talkin’. Good stuff, Maynard.

  8. Al, I think frog legs must be an acquired taste, or the chef must know what the heck he’s doing. I remembered I was looking forward to trying them, someone else was buying dinner and it was all I could do to finish them.


  9. I’m at 10 if there is no difference between my Granda’s Catfish and “thin Catfish”. All I can tell you is Grandpa would catch em out of lake Texcomah and Granda would cook em. I had frog legs in of all places Minnesota. They way they were prepared they tasted just like chicken. It could have been the BBQ sauce as I look back on it.

  10. I’ve had 4 but Eastern Washington is not exactly a hotbed of Cajun cooking. I did hear that there is a new Cajun restaurant in town a couple of miles from where I live, I might have to give it a try to see how it is. I’ll eat pretty much anything except for oysters. I may pass on the boudin also as I’m not a fan of blood sausage or anything made with entrails.

  11. All but two, Turtle Soup and Bananas Foster ( I could have had them while under the influence and not remember). And yes on the Boudin (in Italian it’s Biroldi usually called Birodi).

  12. I’ve had 19 of those yummy food items. I spent a great deal of time in New Orleans for several years. I can’t explain why but, I won’t try alligator, frog legs or turtle. Bodin was not not appealing either. I always overdose on Fried Oyster PoBoys. Fried Oysters are still my favorite. I’ve replicated my favorite New Orleans entrees and use them often. That’s one city that always has great restaurants and great food.

  13. i’m jealous of all you that can eat food prepared that way.

    @ harbqll sorry, not a snow cone, SHAVE ICE. Add some eagle canned milk and its a snow ball

  14. I had alligator nuggets and bread pudding at a place called Drago’s in Metairie, outside of NOLO when I was there on business, which is the ONLY way I’d go there. I wasn’t supposed to have the bread pudding, but they misdelivered someone else’s and couldn’t take it back, so I got it for free even though I was on a per diem and not paying for food anyway, so it was DOUBLE free for me, which only made it taste better.

    The nuggets were good too, but I didn’t ask too many questions about the sauce. You learn that there unless you don’t want to eat the whole time you’re in the vicinity, because like a Chinese restaurant, you should NOT ask questions if you DON’T want the answers.

    The other guys seemed to enjoy the oysters, but given what I’ve heard about oysters side effects, I didn’t want to indulge in the company of other dudes. Glad I had my own room to myself, is all I’m saying. Also, oysters have this natural defense where they look incredibly snotlike at dinnertime, so anyway, PASS.

    I’ve had jambalaya before, but not there. Their predilection for sticking shrimp in everything kills it for me.

    I don’t get the ambiance thing. I didn’t personally go to New Orleans proper this trip, but I went to the French Quarter out of curiosity before (starting with after Katrina, and yecch), but I don’t drink so the place is kind of lost on me, and I’ve never gone there with the wife so whatever “romance” it’s said to have, I don’t see either. True there ARE whores in the French Quarter, but even YOUNGER, not married me would have passed, both for hygiene and uncertain actual plumbing reasons, so no temptation THERE. Nothing I personally would call “romantic”. Sleazy, depraived, filthy, and disgusting, maybe, but not “romantic”.

    Not impressed by the voodoo shops, either. If you’re operating on a second floor in a tumbledown termite feast that you need a desperate street hawker to drive traffic to, I’d say you’re not sufficiently pleasing to Baron Samedi and too displeasing to Damballah to be even touristy convincing; and, since the whole thing is a blasphemous syncretism of Catholicism and Freemasonry sprinkled with African meaningless ritual, again, PASS.

    I DO like the T-Shirt guy, however, he’s an Arab that has seemingly followed me all over the country to every place I’ve ever taken a hotel room for the express purpose of selling me a piece of cloth with a severely dated localization melted onto it. I still have my post-Katrina “Willie Nagin and the Chocolate Factory” shirt that commemorates the famously corrupt, anti-White racist previous Mayor of Nawleans who got people killed but still disarmed the law-abiding IN THE MIDDLE OF A HURRICANE’s statement that New Orleans would be rebuilt as a “Chocolate” city meaning for Black people, which I’m SURE was a great comfort to the thousands of White residents who were ALSO suffering at the time. I will always regret, however, NOT buying a blue shirt with the N.O.P.D. logo and initials on it that was used to make the acronym “Not Our Problem, Dawg” in monument to the fact that they essentially evaporated when the levees failed except for breif reappearences to disarm old ladies for the heinous crime of attempted self-defense.

    The whole place is inside-out though, with walls defining businesses but not so many roofs and little AC, I guess so you stay acclimatized to the million-percent humidity and eyeball-melting heat. I went there in Feburary from Ohio once, and it was like flying from the North Pole to a volcanic caldera in Equatorial Guinea, which the plane AND the airport did NOTHING to help you adjust, you just went to your rental car in your down jacket and melted inside your clothes the instant you opened the outer doors.

    I know people that live there and could get into a LOT of other stuff, like if you get WAY up into the French Quarter where the rainbow crosswalks are that the locals say a dude can get ass-raped in broad daylight, but since I’m WAY too long and (Thankfully!) don’t know this from PERSONAL experience, I’ll stop here with this.

    …Weird food in the ‘burbs? OK.

    …everything ELSE in NOLA? NOT RECOMMENDED.

    …but that’s just me, you can draw your OWN conclusions as you like, but I’d stay on the North shore of Lake Pontchartrain across the Causeway to actually SLEEP in if I were you because it’s a Democrat city in the truest sense of the phrase and you know what THAT means…

  15. Frog legs are fantastic IF fresh. Growing up po in the hills our protien was mostly wild game. The first night of frog season brought squirmy gunny sacks and stinky men who had funny stories about hunting with flashlights. A passage into manhood was being old enough to go, just don’t drown was the only rule. Nothing better than fried frog legs and white gravy with new taters! Unless it’s a fried turtle feast, alligator snapper that is, with gravy. Golly, I’m getting hungry. I’d even go for some of Moms squirrel salad. I was out of the house before I realized we were the odd ones, what with deer as our main meat and all. Fresh backstrap and gravy, yum. Nobody was overweight and Mom always had one pie and one cookie at least, all homemade of course. You burnt all those calories earning the right to eat! Tough feet and tan, those were the days. 12 on the NO list, I can’t do the shellfish, but I’m told the key is freshness.

  16. 17, none of which I had in NO. Been to 48 states, 3 territories and the cesspool district of Columbia, and try local fare wherever I go. Frog legs are pretty good, but have to be fresh. Same with crawfish. Oysters….I’d rather have a hobo sneeze in my mouth. Nasty things.

  17. @willysgoatgruff (at 2:55 pm): There’s no pun there, IMHO. “Boudin” is pronounced “BOO-dan”, not “bow-DEEN”, like Jethro’s last name. Doesn’t really work for me.

  18. Oh crap! I may be an honorary Cajun.


    Maybe more but I just wasn’t aware of the name.

    Last GF was from LA. – Not L.A.

    Would have sworn pralines was because of my German relatives, though.

  19. My dad was from southern LA. and spent a lot of time there as a kid. Eaten all of these. Someone asked what a King cake was; Its a weird round cake decorated like a Mardi Gras float and only made around Mardi Gras

  20. Eight for me, I’ve never been down Louisiana Way, so I think I’ll settle for a steak, 🦐 shrimp on the barbie, baked potato and 🌽 corn on the cob. Wash it down with a good ale and homemade ice cream 🍨 for dessert, Arizona 🌵 style.

  21. LOL I’ve had everything on this list. I was married to a Ragin’ (and I mean bat shit ragin’) Cajun woman for twenty years. I still live in the little corner of Southeast Texas that is, for all intents and purposes, Louisiana. If you want the best boudin ever, go to Billy’s in Scott, LA.


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