Bongino: Liberals are Trying to Scare You Away From Mentioning Soros’ Role In The Dems’ Ukraine Scandal – IOTW Report

Bongino: Liberals are Trying to Scare You Away From Mentioning Soros’ Role In The Dems’ Ukraine Scandal

Also, a little bit on the Fredo Cuomo phone fiasco.

In this episode, I address the liberal’s use of scare tactics to intimidate you and to prevent you from learning the truth about the role of liberal mega-donor George Soros in the Ukraine scandal. I also address the wall the Democrats are running into in their impeachment hoax.

7 Comments on Bongino: Liberals are Trying to Scare You Away From Mentioning Soros’ Role In The Dems’ Ukraine Scandal

  1. Long – but excellent – thread by Imperator Rex
    over at
    (haven’t figured out how to link just to their threads)

    1. NYT – hey everyone, OIG Report is a big nothingburger, Comey, Strzok and Page are in the clear, it was all just low level employees, Carter Page FISA was just a bit careless etc . IOW – nothing to see here.
    Being NYT the piece is meticulously researched of course, based on ‘according to people familiar with the matter’ and also ‘The New York Times has not reviewed the draft’.
    My take? This is 100% FakeNews BS or Trump’s team leaking FakeNews BS. Let’s see which one. [HYPERLINK HERE]

    2. Trouble is that this FakeNews narrative directly contradicts other related events, that suggest the direct opposite of what they’re trying to sell. Off the top of my head:
    – the FISC court Judge Collyer opinion that revealed damning Obama FISA abuse
    – evidence of hundreds of unmaskings by Obama apparatchiks that appear to be illegal
    – solid evidence that Mifsud was a western Intel asset likely CIA
    – Stefan Halper
    – the Page/Strzok emails

    3. (cont’d)
    – Strzok, Page, Comey, McCabe and others removed
    – Durham’s ongoing & global criminal probe, much stemming from the IG investigation
    – Ratcliffe (who has access) saying it will be 500 pages long and ‘damning’
    – the manipulated FD302s on General Flynn
    – solid evidence of Steele’s fabricated evidence being used by State Dept, DOJ and FBI
    I could go on and on. So my conclusion is that the NYT are pushing propaganda and that it’s total garbage.
    Now – it may also be true.

    4. And remember, Horowitz remit and powers are limited. However if all we get from a (supposedly) 500 page report is what NYT is pushing, after almost 4 years of investigation, I would be astonished.
    And very, VERY angry, as well as disappointed.
    Which is why I’m not fooled by the NYT, nor am I concerned. Notice something about the article? It seems to be based on a fictional outcome.

    5. Every crazed leftard right now is drooling as they read it, thinking:
    ‘If the NYT is right, this will be very damaging for Drumpf, because he has been pushing exactly the opposite narrative to the deplorables, for ages. They won’t vote for him! Also, this will open a wide door to take out Barr, Durham and yes, OrangeMan himself! At last, the Drumpf is about to go down! Horowitz is a hero!’
    That’s what the article is playing to.

    6. IOW, it’s probably wiser to consider this NYT piece as yet more masturbatory FakeNews fan fiction, about to be exposed as BS, than to take it seriously.
    Expect more crap from these deluded blowhards and their allies at WaPo, CNN etc all the way to Dec 9, too.
    They’re scared and have every reason to be, as they are implicated in what went on.
    Their downfall will be EPIC.
    Enjoy the show!
    The end.

    7. ADDENDUM:
    POTUS Trump : FISA IG will be ‘HISTORIC’.
    That’s from this morning BTW.
    So, who do you believe? Fake News or POTUS Trump.
    I’ve made my choice.
    Game over. They thought she’d never lose.
    Now, they ALL lose.
    The end. [HYPERLINK HERE]

    8. More and more evidence stacking up that the NYT and WaPo are LYING. Again.
    IMO Trump’s people fed them Fake News, which the idiots reported verbatim.
    Anyway this time it’s Matt Whitaker. He thinks it will be one of the most ‘consequential’ reports in over 20 years and also notes that Trump has been briefed on the IG Report.
    Seems that everyone who has been briefed on it is saying it’s huge except for douchebags at FakeNews. Do the math. [HYPERLINK HERE]

    9. The Storm is almost upon us.
    Or THEM, to be more accurate. The crooks that almost destroyed America.
    I think they’re trapped. And they know it, also.
    What I expect we will see is a last, full on assault on Trump, Barr and the GOP, esp by FakeNews. However because they’re lying, desperate and under pressure, they’re going to screw up.
    Inevitably we will mistakes, wild claims and ridiculous allegations, followed by facts that expose these crooks even more.
    Another thing.

    10. Team Trump has all the evidence.
    They can turn on the momentum tap, whenever they want. Which is now, in my view.
    POTUS Trump tweeted ‘Hello, here we go’ yesterday.
    GO TIME.
    Endless damning revelations about crimes by the crooks and FakeNews reporters will now emerge like a tsunami, drowning the Republic’s enemies.

    Buckle up.
    Reality is about to be inverted, for the normies.
    Not for us though, my friends.
    We did the work. Now we reap the rewards.

  2. If that old Nazi sympathizer were to die today I wouldn’t shed a tear for him. I’m not supposed to hate anybody but Georgie boy is certainly the #1 person whose guts I hate the most. Die, Georgie die and the rest of your kin as well, no one will miss you. Why haven’t the Israelis taken him out yet?


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