Bono Showed up in Kyiv, Ukraine Along with Justin From Canada – IOTW Report

Bono Showed up in Kyiv, Ukraine Along with Justin From Canada

They keep telling us Putin’s crazy and may strike Ukraine with nukes at any second now.
I guess he’s going to wait til after tourist season?

Conservative Treehouse:
It’s the new cool thing. It’s the latest rage on Insta. All the most virtuous people are doing it. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to support the movement. Travel to Kyiv, Ukraine, snap a few selfies… Social media archives will record history.  According to pop culture, the Facebook, Insta, Twitter and YouTube social media campaign to save Kyiv, is bigger than the Berlin wall falling.   The CIA, DoS, DHS and Nina Jankowicz have declared it true.

When the conflict in Ukraine first began, the White House announced the victor would be the one who could “tell a better story.”  The war in Ukraine would be determined by who was more likeable on social media.  From that moment forth, winning the PR battle has been the focus.

Within days of the White House declaring the strategy, Google, DuckDuckGo, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all announced they would filter and block content that did not support World War Reddit.  Anyone who was not supporting Ukraine and “churchill in a T-Shirt” ran the risk of being deplatformed; and so, the strategy has continued through today.

After writing pro-Ukraine poems for Nancy Pelosi to read to congress, now Bono travels to Ukraine. I said on March 1st when Bono shows up, that’s the moment when you know western propaganda over Ukraine will soon apex.  more

15 Comments on Bono Showed up in Kyiv, Ukraine Along with Justin From Canada

  1. Net worth listed at $7000,000,000

    Has he funded any MIGs/Stingers/Javelin or is his great service to get us on side?

    Javelin is about $200k each with replacement missiles at $80,000.
    Start diggin Bonehole.

  2. Would it be considered poetic justice if Mad Vlad decided to drop a nuke or 10 while those attention whores are telling everyone who will listen how righteous they are?

  3. I got drug to a U2 movie by a girlfriend. I think it is called Rattle and Buzz. Fell asleep ten minutes into the damn thing. Then she wanted to drag me back to it s week later. I told her hell no, it pit me to sleep the first time, what the hell are you trying to do? Comatose my ass.

  4. Sean Penn and then Bono?

    I pity Ukraine – no country deserves that, regardless of the activities of its criminal oligarchs.

    What’s next? James Taylor?

    Ukraine will be bathed in puke.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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