Book: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption – IOTW Report

Book: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption


Breitbart News Editor in Chief Alex Marlow’s investigative bombshell book Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruptionwhich exposes the deep corruption of the establishment media, is just days away from its May 18 release after skyrocketing to #2 on Amazon’s Best Sellers list following its announcement in February.

The forthcoming book exposes the corruption and breathtaking deception of the establishment media and their “incestuous” relationship with “America’s ideological Left.” In Breaking the News, Marlow introduces a little-known key player — keenly identifying the individual as the new George Soros — using it as a primary example of the deep, yet largely buried, ties between America’s media elite and the radical left.

“I spent a year researching the nexus of the establishment media, multinational companies, and the activist left. I was stunned at what I found,” Marlow said. more here

4 Comments on Book: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption

  1. I hope this exposure is the start of fixing the problem of a corrupt Democrat Media Mafia.
    – I’m not very hopeful
    I wanna bet a solid nickel Marlow will be shut down by ALL the social media Nazis.

  2. Trump Hater Alex Marlowe can kiss my ass before I would buy his book. He has turned Breitbart into a heavily censored, anti-Trump site. He carefully avoided investigating the election coup by the communist death democrats and never really reports on the ongoing election audit in Arizona and other states. He hates our President. Do not trust him for a moment. Another phony conservative looking to get rich. Andrew Breitbart has to be spinning in his grave at what his site has become under Marlowe.

    He sucks.


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