Book: Michelle Obama ‘invisible’ because she’s black – IOTW Report

Book: Michelle Obama ‘invisible’ because she’s black

shut up


She is among the most famous and easily recognized women in the world, but first lady Michelle Obama feels “invisible” when she steps off her official stage, according to her best friend and ally in the White House.

And the reason is a remarkable one considering that she and her husband, President Obama, are America’s first African-American presidential couple. According to top adviser Valerie Jarrett, Obama is invisible because she is black.

In her new book about the importance of black mothers in America and how they walk a tightrope in society, White House correspondent April Ryan revealed that Jarrett and Obama often took walks outside. What they found is that they were typically ignored. Jarrett used the word “invisible.”

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49 Comments on Book: Michelle Obama ‘invisible’ because she’s black

  1. She’s upset that she is famous for being the first lady, and she’s upset because she’s invisible because she’s black. Christ lady make up your fookin mind. Or are you just playing the perpetual victim here?

  2. When they took WALKS outside? When the f**k did that happen – unscripted? And how can anyone have even gotten close enough to them TO ignore them? Seriously – there is a no-go zone around them due to security. So, did they just slip out a side door and wander through some random street markets? Like, frequently? It’s like that obama wife claiming that she was racist-ed against because some little old four foot tall white lady in the Target store asked her to please get something down off of a top shelf for her. It was because she is black. NOT BECAUSE SHE IS TALL. Black. BlackBlackBlack. I AM SICK OF THESE PEOPLE.

  3. c’mon, this is the same moochelle who recently whined that she wished she could shop at target unrecognized, thougth that’s what i read

    still angry at america, always will be, it’s all whitey’s fault

    the obamas should be loudly booed at trump’s inauguration as bush was in 2009, but conservatives are much to classy for that

  4. But she would complain about genderism if she was noticed going into the mens bathroom.

    She would complain about racism if a short person asked her to reach down something from the top shelf… no, wait, we already went through that.

  5. Maybe it’s because the pictures we see of her from the press are all photoshopped so nobody recognizes her in full XL glory.

    I bet if she walked around with a flower print tablecloth on people would recognize her.

  6. Most people are invisible particularly with other people staring at their technology. I have found as I have aged (gracefully I hope) that I am not noticed as much. People help me if I ask for help but always seem startled that I am there! BTW, I am not black and I don’t think that that has a thing to do with it but…racism.

  7. After reading the article, I’m still at a loss for words. It’s such stunning bullshit. The Left has no shame, but here I am with a visceral feeling of shame, that such a monumental distortion of reality needs to be given intellectual treatment. Michelle and Jarrett would just “take walks?” Without a contingency of Secret Service? Where? How? And how do you KNOW that no one knew who you and she were? Michelle is in Target and an AP photographer just happens to be there and documents that she’s alone and not having to beat-back a throng of “noticers?” These are examples of Systemic Racism in America? Maybe they are examples of non-racist people showing deference and respecting your space.

    If we notice Race, we’re bigots.
    If we don’t notice Race, we’re culturally insensitive.

  8. Maybe it’s because nobody wants to get near them? Maybe it’s because both of them are unelected? Maybe it’s because there are highly trained armed people waiting to shoot you if you get too close? Pathetic.

  9. Our world is filled with so many things there’s no way I can pay attention to them all, so I get to choose. I choose to think about positive things unless I have no choice, and then I deal with the unpleasant stuff as expediently as possible and then go back to the good stuff.

    Big Maw does it the other way. She chooses to dwell on the crap, and so she has a crappy attitude about her crappy life. Her choice. No sympathy.

  10. Mooch is a lunatic and a narcissist. She would love people fainting and groveling at her massive feet. She protest too much for attention. Mooch aka Sassie – the perpetual victim of circumstance, good or bad.
    Val “Snake” Jarratt is pure evil and well aware of how to manipulate Mooch and Barry. She’s their handler appointed by Soros.

  11. She’s only a few days away from disappearing into complete irrelevance.

    That’s why the ridiculous short-lived meme about her “political future” the last few weeks.

    They will both get huge advances for ghostwritten books. The books won’t sell.
    They will be reduced to some pitiful .1% of diehard basement dwelling followers.
    The invitations will slow to a trickle. The phone will ring less and less often.

    Despite their denial syndrome, it’s all over for them both.

    Trump will soon have access to all the dark hidden documents that Obama can never afford to have revealed to his former supporters.
    Trump will own him from then on.

    Tobama’s retirement will require his near total silence. A short leash.

  12. Get out the violin. Guess what I’m white and when I walk around people ignore me too. In fact I stopped at the grocery store yesterday and no one interacted with me, I checked out in the self check out aisle and didn’t say one word to anyone. That is called regular life in any city or town. Michelle was complaining awhile back that she was talked to all the time and people asked her to take things off the high shelf in stores because she is black. So which is it? Ignored or asked to be a slave helper to us white short folk walking around Target? Who would want to talk to someone (anyone!) with that permanent angry scowl on her face 24/7 anyway?!

  13. She’s invisible, but she gives off such a stench that you smell “her” coming a mile away.
    Q: Why does Michelle Obama smell?
    A: So blind people can hate her too.

  14. Poor thing, boy you should see the red carpet roll out for yours truly when I walk into the grocery store or DMV office, with exclamations of “there’s that awesome white guy!” NOT

  15. I am happy to speak with blacks (and Asians, and Hispanics, just like the rest of us) in public places and I have a couple of favorites I know by name in some of the stores on my usual rounds. But they are not bitchy with that Moose scowl and with a 6″ x 10″ plank on their shoulder (not a chip for Moose I am thinking floor joist). They are pleasant and don’t think I have $10000 checks rolling into my mailbox everyday b/c I am white. I won’t talk with bitchy scowly white people either think Meryl Streep, (who would just get my steel-toed size 12 up her fat azz), got nothing to do with color Moose you friggin bigot.

  16. Another book headed for the remainder bin. After the sales fiasco of Hillary’s publishing adventure I imagine that the inevitable tidal wave of books coming out of Obama’s regime will see a lot fewer author advances against sales then any prior administration. The exceptions are Obama (who’ll find someone to write it for him, probably Ayers again in order to keep the fiction going about his intellect) and probably Mooch. Those two will be getting pay off money from the lefties behind the publishers.

  17. Join the club you stupid troll! Most of us ARE ‘invisible’ outside of our circle! I don’t give a damn what flavor you might be, YOUR JUST NOT THAT IMPORTANT. Why the hell do you think these ‘social’ sites are so freaking popular? Everybody is trying to be noticed. Stupid bitch!

  18. I think it’s a normal optic compensation. When the eye is faced with large patterns, the mind tends to tune them right out. Mountain ranges, a horizon shot of the ocean.. and other big ass things. Through the skills of adoring sycophants called “dressers”, she’s become adroit at imitating natural features found in the landscape of the world, so of course she’s not easily perceived. She’s perfect for a challenging round ‘one of these things is not like the other’. I am not to offer what set of objects she could be a part of..

    It’s either that, or the militant vibes she gives off that repel any notion of comity.

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