Booker: Biden is “Proud Architect of a FAILED” Criminal Justice System – IOTW Report

Booker: Biden is “Proud Architect of a FAILED” Criminal Justice System

Progs are fighting…

Bongino: The Democrats’ current lead of the 2020 presidential race, former Vice President Joe Biden, has not impressed his liberal colleagues in the field of criminal justice. Progressives believe that Biden’s part in passing the 1994 Crime Bill is to blame for extraordinarily high incarceration rates in the minority communities.

Although today Biden rolled out a criminal justice reform plan in an effort to distance himself from the ’94 Crime Bill, Democrats such as Cory Booker aren’t buying it.

7 Comments on Booker: Biden is “Proud Architect of a FAILED” Criminal Justice System

  1. Hey now, baby
    Get into my big black car
    Hey now, baby
    Get into my big black car
    I want to just show you
    What my politics are
    I’m a political man
    And I practice what I preach
    I’m a political man
    And I practice what I preach
    So don’t deny me, baby
    Not while you’re in my reach
    I support the left
    Though I’m leaning, leaning to the right
    I support the left
    Though I’m leaning to the right
    But I’m just not there
    When it’s coming to a fight
    Hey now, baby
    Get into my big black car
    Hey now, baby
    Get into my big black car
    I want to just show you
    What my politics are

    Cream 1968, Wheels of Fire

  2. Ya gotta keep askin’ Cory about Mr. T-Bone and about his trip to Hawaii from New Jersey by car. Someome in the media gatta keep askin’ him dat.
    Every one gotta know the guy is an asshole, unless, of course, you’re an asshole yerself. WTF!

  3. Booker is a “fine representation of a FAILED” completely over-funded farce for an educational system.
    If only long ago planned parenthood had been doing their job,,,

  4. Now it’s going to be a fight between the white progs and the black/muzzi progs. The black/muzzi progs are going to try to destroy the white prog politicians so one of them can run for pres.


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