Booker: ‘I’m a Baller’ — I Want to Beat Trump in an Electoral Contest Not By Impeachment – IOTW Report

Booker: ‘I’m a Baller’ — I Want to Beat Trump in an Electoral Contest Not By Impeachment

Booker likes balls.
Who knew?


On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Live,” 2020 presidential hopeful Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said he is a “baller” who wants to beat President Donald Trump in the election instead of removing him through impeachment.

Jackson said, “You talk about the importance of impartial jurors. You said the president was potentially violating the Constitution, acting more like a dictator, etc. Do you believe you have impartiality here?”

Booker said, “Absolutely. At the end of the day, where my gut and heart wants, I can’t escape my history. I’m a baller. When I used to play football when we went into Notre Dame, the last thing I wanted is for Notre Dame to be disqualified. I wanted to play them. I am looking forward to standing on a debate stage and looking down at Donald Trump and calling him out for who he is. I want to go into an electoral contest. But if he has violated his oath, if he has really sought to assault the Constitution, obstruct justice — he should be held accountable. I will sit as a juror and listen to the evidence and vote in accordance with the evidence.” Watch

27 Comments on Booker: ‘I’m a Baller’ — I Want to Beat Trump in an Electoral Contest Not By Impeachment

  1. Somehow or another, the term baller sounds vaguely obscene and nasty. Thank you (actually no thanks) ebonics as well as hip slop/crap music and an idiot obsessed black pop culture worship for making the English language so stupid that words don’t mean things and have become bastardized as to be totally worthless and meaningless.


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