Boomerang: Texas House members call for speaker’s resignation after Senate acquits Paxton – IOTW Report

Boomerang: Texas House members call for speaker’s resignation after Senate acquits Paxton


After the Senate voted to acquit Attorney General Ken Paxton of all charges levied against him by the House General Investigating Committee on Saturday, several members of the House who voted against impeaching Paxton called on House Speaker Dade Phelan, R-Beaumont, to resign.

In an interview with The Center Square, Rep. Steve Toth, R-Spring, said Phelan should apologize and resign. He said the acquittal “isn’t just an exoneration [of Paxton]. It’s a repudiation of the Texas House. The Texas House owes not just Texas but the entire United States an apology for what they did. more here

Video shows Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan ‘intoxicated’ while in session, AG Ken Paxton says

13 Comments on Boomerang: Texas House members call for speaker’s resignation after Senate acquits Paxton

  1. so impeach the nword, how hard is that? you gullible assholes voted for the sphincter-mofo that appointed pedocrats to run committees, what did you think would happen? either flush the dicksucker or keep sucking pedocrat dick.

  2. Wasting time & money on infighting & power struggles.
    How about those fooking ridiculous property taxes?
    RINO twats have been promising reduction for YEARS; Yet every year they go UP, not DOWN.

  3. The problem with only listening to an echo chamber is that you do not hear anything else no matter how loud it is. Dems and RINOs have fallen into that trap. They think they have more support than they do, but they are mistaken.

    There is the famous expression, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. There are more and more signs that people are feeling that way.

    I have been conservative for decades; NEVER VOTED FOR THE LIBERAL GWB; clearly biased.

    Lefty Dade has been a “Bush Republican” for decades; he never should have been Speaker! He not only should be demoted; he would be forced out!

    “Bush Republicans” hurt working Americans! They are PLUTOCRATS and are supportive of their class! Which is not my class!

  5. one of america’s biggest mistakes, allowing legislatures to define their own structure & procedures. one nword-sphincter can circumvent the will of an entire state, promote its favorite dicksuckers to run committees, without fear of recall or retribution – as in texas. the corrupt & obsolete speaker/sphincter-position & committee chairman positions need to be permanently flushed out of texas, like turds from a toilet bowl.

  6. it should be possible to fire/recall any appointed/elected dicksucker anywhere in texas via a citizen process @ any time, in less than 5 calendar days – none of this groveling bullshit, “asking” some fkng asshole to resign. no secretary of state cocksuckers required. blow me.


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